[BitPim-devel] Issue reading new SMS msgs from 2010..
Delphi Coder
2010-01-11 22:56:42 UTC
Before I begin, Happy New Year to everyone!

As the subject states, this post is in regards to Bitpim having issues reading SMS messages received after the new year.

Entry reads:  2001-00-10  T0:00:724

It shoud read:  2010-01-01 12:07:24

When SMS messages from 2010 are clicked on, Bitpim throws the following exception.

I will be monitoring the forums for a fix and report back.  Thanks to all the developers and contributors for your time and effort to keep this project going!

------- Exception report ----------

BitPim version:
An unexpected exception has occurred.
Please see the help for details on what to do.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "sms_tab.pyo", line 530, in _OnSelChanged
  File "sms_tab.pyo", line 139, in Set
  File "sms_tab.pyo", line 63, in SetValue
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'T0'

Variables by last 8 frames, innermost last

Frame _OnSelChanged in sms_tab.pyo at line 530
              e =  <sms.SMSEntry object at 0x02B80270>
              k =  '1263248892.984045'
           item =  1
              s =  None
          entry =  <sms.SMSEntry object at 0x02F23CF0>
            evt =  <wx._controls.ListEvent; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxListEvent *' at 0x12e9
           self =  <sms_tab.SMSList; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxPanel *' at 0x2f51708> >

Frame Set in sms_tab.pyo at line 139
    _bad_fields =  ('delivery_status', '_to')
              i =  4
           self =  <sms_tab.SMSInfo; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxPanel *' at 0x2f55130> >
              n =  ['datetime', 'Date:', <class 'sms_tab.TimeStamp'>, None, None, <sms_tab.TimeStam
              w =  <sms_tab.TimeStamp; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxStaticText *' at 0x2f53db8>
           data =  <sms.SMSEntry object at 0x02B80270>

Frame SetValue in sms_tab.pyo at line 63
           self =  <sms_tab.TimeStamp; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxStaticText *' at 0x2f53db8>
              v =  '200100101T000724'
2010-01-13 02:40:31 UTC
Hey ,friend  I find a site to sell electronic products with very good price. Laptop ,iPhone even Motorcycle are very popular .their products are original quality with very low price as wholesale business supplier.They also can do retail business for end user now. maybe it is fit for your business . if you like you can contact them :   wholesalers-electronic.com  <br>E-mail:  wholesaler318(at)188.com<br>Msn : wholesaler31888(at)hotmail.com<br>
Delphi Coder
2010-01-15 23:38:45 UTC
Before I begin, Happy New Year to everyone!

As the subject states, this post is in regards to Bitpim having issues reading SMS messages received after the new year.

Entry reads: 2001-00-10 T0:00:724

It shoud read: 2010-01-01 12:07:24

When SMS messages from 2010 are clicked on, Bitpim throws the following exception.

I will be monitoring the forums for a fix and report back. Thanks to all the developers and contributors for your time and effort to keep this project going!

------- Exception report ----------

BitPim version:
An unexpected exception has occurred.
Please see the help for details on what to do.

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "sms_tab.pyo", line 530, in _OnSelChanged
File "sms_tab.pyo", line 139, in Set
File "sms_tab.pyo", line 63, in SetValue
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'T0'

Variables by last 8 frames, innermost last

Frame _OnSelChanged in sms_tab.pyo at line 530
e = <sms.SMSEntry object at 0x02B80270>
k = '1263248892.984045'
item = 1
s = None
entry = <sms.SMSEntry object at 0x02F23CF0>
evt = <wx._controls.ListEvent; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxListEvent *' at 0x12e9
self = <sms_tab.SMSList; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxPanel *' at 0x2f51708> >

Frame Set in sms_tab.pyo at line 139
_bad_fields = ('delivery_status', '_to')
i = 4
self = <sms_tab.SMSInfo; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxPanel *' at 0x2f55130> >
n = ['datetime', 'Date:', <class 'sms_tab.TimeStamp'>, None, None, <sms_tab.TimeStam
w = <sms_tab.TimeStamp; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxStaticText *' at 0x2f53db8>
data = <sms.SMSEntry object at 0x02B80270>

Frame SetValue in sms_tab.pyo at line 63
self = <sms_tab.TimeStamp; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxStaticText *' at 0x2f53db8>
v = '200100101T000724'
2010-01-17 18:45:32 UTC
Hey ,friend  I find a site to sell electronic products with very good price. Laptop ,iPhone even Motorcycle are very popular .their products are original quality with very low price as wholesale business supplier.They also can do retail business for end user now. maybe it is fit for your business . if you like you can contact them :   wholesalers-electronic.com  <br>E-mail:  wholesaler318(at)188.com<br>Msn : wholesaler31888(at)hotmail.com<br>