[BitPim-devel] PM-8200 SMS Support Added
Jordan Foley
2005-12-14 09:16:46 UTC
I have finally been able to read off the text messages off of my phone
and import them into BitPim. Not all of the data in a sms is decoded but
most of it looks constant between messages so I do not mess with it and
I already have all of the info needed to display it for BitPim, until I
add support to write to the phone I will not worry about it. The PM-8200
does not have a subject line on the phone so instead I made the subject
in this format:
(Message #)-(Phone Number)-(First 12 letters of message)
This makes reading of text messages easier, but I do not know if BitPim
has a default subject for phones that do not have them. I was able to
test the if message was read code and I know that works but I do not
know about priority. All of my messages but the ones from sprint carry a
value of 100 in that slot but the ones from sprint carry a 200 so I just
guessed this is priority. The code that I have written so far only reads
the messages that are in the Inbox, I have not added support for any
other folders yet, that is my next thing to work on. Also this code
should work on any phone that uses the com_sanyonewer code but I am
unable to test that so it would be nice if this could be tested. Also
this should just drop into com_sanyo without a problem and I will modify
my code and add that when I am finished with the PM-8200.

Here are the diffs for the files that I changed so that hopefully this
can be committed into CVS

< PACKET messagerequest:
< * sanyoheader {'packettype': 0x0c,
< 'command': 0xe1} +header
< 1 UINT slot
< 501 UNKNOWN +pad
< PACKET messageentry:
< 1 UINT slot
< 1 UINT read
< 1 UINT counter
< 3 UNKNOWN pad1
< 1 UINT dunno1
< 1 UINT dunno2
< 1 UINT dunno3
< 1 UNKNOWN pad2
< 1 UINT dunno4
< 1 UINT dunno5
< 1 UNKNOWN pad3
< 1 UINT message_len
< 255 STRING message "Text of the notification"
< 1 UNKNOWN pad4
< 1 UINT year
< 1 UINT month
< 1 UINT day
< 1 UINT hour
< 1 UINT minute
< 1 UINT second
< 1 UINT callback_len
< 34 STRING callback
< 1 UINT phonenum_len
< 37 STRING phonenum
< 1 UINT dunno6
< 1 UINT priority
< 3 UNKNOWN pad6
< 1 UINT dunno7
< 1 UINT dunno8
< PACKET messageresponse:
< * sanyoheader header
< * messageentry entry
< 151 UNKNOWN pad
< PACKET foldernamerequest:
< * sanyoheader {'packettype': 0x0b,
< 'command': 0xef} +header
< 1 UINT index
< 501 UNKNOWN +pad
< PACKET foldernameentry:
< 1 UINT index
< 1 UINT flag "0 if empty, 1 in use"
< 1 UINT autofile "If 1, autofile messages with keyword"
< 1 UINT notify
< 1 UINT icon
< 13 STRING {'raiseonunterminatedread': False} name "Name of the folder"
< 3 UNKNOWN +pad
< 14 STRING {'raiseonunterminatedread': False} keyword
< PACKET foldernameresponse:
< * sanyoheader header
< * foldernameentry entry
< 467 UNKNOWN pad

< import sms
< def getsms(self, result):
< gsms = {}
< self.log("Getting sms entries")
< req=self.protocolclass.messagerequest()
< for slot in range(200):
< req.slot=slot
< res=self.sendpbcommand(req,
< if res.entry.dunno4==2:
< entry=sms.SMSEntry()
< entry.folder=entry.Folder_Inbox
< entry.datetime="200%d%02d%02dT%02d%02d%02d" %
((res.entry.year, res.entry.month, res.entry.day, res.entry.hour,
res.entry.minute, res.entry.second))
< if res.entry.read==17:
< entry.read=1
< else:
< entry.read=0
< entry._from=res.entry.phonenum
< entry.callback=res.entry.callback
< entry.subject="%d-%s-%s" % ((res.entry.counter,
res.entry.phonenum, res.entry.message[:12]))
< self.log(res.entry.message[:8])
< if res.entry.priority==100:
< entry.priority=sms.SMSEntry.Priority_Normal
< if res.entry.priority==200:
< entry.priority=sms.SMSEntry.Priority_High
< entry.text=unicode(res.entry.message, errors='ignore')
< gsms[entry.id]=entry
< result['sms']=gsms
< return result
< ('sms', 'read', None),

hopefully these files work for everyone else and I will get back to
coding new things for my phone.
