[Bitpim-devel] Bug in TM520 phonebook support (0.7-test1)
Chris Poon
2004-01-14 18:44:33 UTC
Thanks again for the program. As I started hacking my TM520 with BitPIM 0.7,
I noticed that the phonebook support for it is broken - it will return the
home phone for every single type of phone, and I think I've found the
culprit in com_lgtm520.py (1.9), extractphonebookentry (and Python is all
foreign to me)

for type in ['home', 'office', 'mobile', 'pager', 'data/fax']:
res['numbers'].append({'number': entry.numbers[numbernumber].number, 'type':
type })
return res

shouldn't there be a "numbernumber+=1" before the "return res"?

Keep up the good work guys, as we enjoy the ability to customize our
supposingly locked-down phones.
