1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
An optional install, yes, but one that is marked by default on every
installation. So, unless a user intentionally goes out of their way
when doing the install or upgrade to make it NOT install, it will be
I've attached a shell script that could be used to replace the current
BitPim python startup script. It uses a small shell function to
extract the parent directory name from a filepath because the
'dirname' shell utility (like Python) is only there in MacOS X if the
user installs the optional BSD package. Otherwise, it's just about
line-for-line equivalent with the python version.
Honestly, I'm not all that concerned about watching out for people who
intentionally go into their installation process and remove things
without knowing what they are doing. Also, it was not my design to
build the bundle this way, I am using the standard "bundlebuilder.py"
routine that is part of the Python distribtution and is, as far as I
can tell, the accepted and "approved" way to build distributable
bundles on MacOS X. To wedge in a different script would require
gutting the work done by bundlebuilder.py and making it a manual
process each time.

Just my $0.02.

If you think that your approach should be integrated into the
bundlebuilder.py module as an alternative launch mechanism, perhaps it
would be worthwhile joining the MacPython list (if you aren't already
on it) and throwing it out there for discussion. It might be a useful
