[BitPim-devel] How to make a new profile for an a610 samsung (verizon) based on the a650 profile that's in bitpim
Danny Castellanos
2005-04-28 03:23:07 UTC
I want to make a new profile for bitpim but I don't know where to start. I
don't think I have to start from scratch cause the a650 pretty much works
well with my phone.
Beginner were to start?
I have an
Manufacturer:samsung elec. co ltd.
Firmware:s/w ver:a610.wl30 |sch-a610
Been using bitpim for a year now and just noticed the a650 profile. I
started using the Calendar , memo, to-do, sms, and file system they all
worked. Unfortunately I cant say the same for the phonebook, wallpaper, and

Verizon added dummy files that do load with bitpim that are -0.0kb one for
wallpaper and three for ringers.

Ringers are actually stored in root:/user/sound/ringer. Excepts up to 30k
midi and 30k pmd files anything larger will not work and is a pain to take

Wallpapers are actually stored in root:/nvm/brew/shared. Excepts up to 10
30k 8bit bmp index color.
128x128=fullscreen main gui
128x108=fullscreen doesn't extend past time

Phonebook gives me the error

An unexpected exception has occurred.
Please see the help for details on what to do.

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "gui.pyo", line 166, in run
File "gui.pyo", line 106, in __call__
File "gui.pyo", line 1517, in getdata
File "com_samsungscha650.pyo", line 135, in getphonebook
File "com_samsungscha650.pyo", line 1017, in get_dict
File "com_samsungscha650.pyo", line 970, in __extract_entry
KeyError: -70

Variables by last 8 frames, innermost last

Frame __bootstrap in threading.pyo at line 442
self = <WorkerThread(BitPim helper, started daemon)>

Frame run in gui.pyo at line 159
e = <exceptions.KeyError instance at 0x02016B20>
res = None
self = <WorkerThread(BitPim helper, started daemon)>
item = (<gui.Request instance at 0x01FFA760>, <gui.Callback
instance at 0x02001198>)
call = <gui.Request instance at 0x01FFA760>
ex = <exceptions.KeyError instance at 0x02016B20>
resultcb = <gui.Callback instance at 0x02001198>
first = 0

Frame __call__ in gui.pyo at line 106
self = <gui.Request instance at 0x01FFA760>
args = ()
d = Keys []
kwargs = Keys []

Frame getdata in gui.pyo at line 1517
count = 1
i = (<bound method GetPhoneDialog.GetPhoneBookSetting of
self = <WorkerThread(BitPim helper, started daemon)>
req = <guiwidgets.GetPhoneDialog; proxy of C++ wxDialog
instance at _28e2d001_p_wxDial
willcall = [(<bound method GetPhoneDialog.GetPhoneBookSetting of
results = Keys ['groups', 'ringtone-index', 'sync', 'uniqueserial',
{'sync': {'phonebook': 'MERGE'}, 'wallpaper-index': {0:
{'origin': 'builtin', 'n
sync = Keys ['phonebook']
{'phonebook': 'MERGE'}
st = 0
todo = [(<bound method WorkerThread.rebootcheck of
<WorkerThread(BitPim helper, started

Frame getphonebook in com_samsungscha650.pyo at line 135
pb = <com_samsungscha650.PhoneBook instance at 0x02001DC8>
self = <com_samsungscha650.Phone instance at 0x020011C0>
result = Keys ['groups', 'ringtone-index', 'sync', 'uniqueserial',
{'sync': {'phonebook': 'MERGE'}, 'wallpaper-index': {0:
{'origin': 'builtin', 'n

Frame get_dict in com_samsungscha650.pyo at line 1017
pb_cnt = 23
e = <p_samsungscha650.pbentry object at 0x0202EDB0>
i = 23
self = <com_samsungscha650.PhoneBook instance at 0x02001DC8>
r = Keys [4, 7, 8, 11]
{8: {'serials': [{'serial2': '8', 'serial1': '8',
'sourcetype': 'scha650', 'sour
result = Keys ['groups', 'ringtone-index', 'sync', 'uniqueserial',
{'sync': {'phonebook': 'MERGE'}, 'wallpaper-index': {0:
{'origin': 'builtin', 'n

Frame __extract_entry in com_samsungscha650.pyo at line 970
rt = -70
pb_cnt = 23
mem_index = 23
e = <p_samsungscha650.pbentry object at 0x0202EDB0>
res = Keys ['categories', 'emails', 'names', 'serials']
{'serials': [{'serial2': '23', 'serial1': '23',
'sourcetype': 'scha650', 'source
self = <com_samsungscha650.PhoneBook instance at 0x02001DC8>
