[Bitpim-devel] Bad news on driver bug
Roger Binns
2003-08-26 08:28:30 UTC
The scoop so far:

There is a driver bug for the straight USB cable (marked as specifically
for the VX4400 and connects to the internal USB interface on the phone).
What happens is that when reading a chunk of data (eg a phonebook entry),
it will abruptly stop part of the way through. By using Portmon you
can see that it is indeed a driver bug and not an application problem.

This problem does not affect all machines, and can even happen in
different places on the same machine.

The obvious solution of resending the command doesn't work, as the driver
then falls over again in the same place.

I was hoping to find a workaround to put into 0.6, but nothing I have
tried has worked. So the only solution/workaround is to return the
straight USB cable and get the USB to serial one instead.

If anyone has any suggestions, I would be glad to try them. Here is a
list of stuff I can remember trying:

- Flow control
- Waiting even longer
- Using event(trigger) characters in win32 comm api
- Resending command
- Resetting the port
- Whining :-)

