[Bitpim-devel] Linux update
Roger Binns
2004-06-03 05:53:25 UTC
Since Redhat no longer wants my money (or arguably wants vast sums of
it) I have now migrated my main dev system to Gentoo. (That is also
why I have been rather quiet for a week or so - I had both sides of
a sheet of paper listing all the packages I needed to ensure were
present and configured as the machine is also my mail and webserver).

Other than a sanity check, all of my testing and dev will be on
Gentoo. I do however have a RH9 setup under Virtual PC and
so the builds will still be RPMs and produced on RH9 for the
forseeable future.

Virtual PC doesn't provide direct USB access within the guest
so I won't be able to test USB access in RH9.

At some point I hope to get VMWare which does provide guest
USB access. (At the point where I had to decide between
purchasing VPC and VMWare, VMWare was 3 times the price of
VPC. It is a lot more reasonable now.)

The RPMs install just fine on Gentoo - just emerge lib-compat
first (as well as rpm itself). I have briefly looked into
doing an ebuild for BitPim but there didn't seem much point.

And there was a nasty person who flamed me claiming BitPim
doesn't work on Gentoo - it does perfectly. Sigh.

