1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
12:20:20.150 COM2: Opening port COM2, 115200 baud, timeout 3.000000, =
hardwareflow 0, softwareflow 0
12:20:20.180 COM2: Open of comm port suceeded
12:20:20.190 Other CDMA Phone: Listing dir ''
12:20:23.214 COM2: Timed out waiting for 7e, requested bytes 1 - 0 =
bytes read
12:20:23.234 COM2: Changed port speed to 38400
12:20:26.740 COM2: Timed out waiting for 7e, requested bytes 1 - 0 =
bytes read
12:20:26.759 COM2: Changed port speed to 115200
12:20:30.265 COM2: Timed out waiting for 7e, requested bytes 1 - 0 =
bytes read
12:20:33.680 Other CDMA Phone: Now in brew mode
