[Bitpim-devel] Bitpim 0.6 - test 3 released
Roger Binns
2003-08-29 08:19:43 UTC
BitPim 0.6 - test 3 has now been released for Windows and Linux. Download from the
bitpim-tests section of https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=75211

There are many many changes in this release. Amongst them is online help, where you
can read about the changes.

The things remaining to do till the full release of 0.6 are pretty much fixing
everything listed under the bugs on SourceForge. Of particular importance is
coping better with unrecognized image files in the wallpaper directory. The
help also needs more fleshing out.

Please let me know of your successes and failures with this release. I am
especially keen to know how well the auto port detection works. If you already
had bitpim installed, you should Edit -> Settings and change port to 'auto' (or
browse and choose automatic).

