[BitPim-devel] DMv6
Nathan Hjelm
2008-06-29 19:26:13 UTC
It seems that the XOR key is not necessarily stored in keys 1-4 in
increasing byte significance. All phone appear to use a rotation of
the XOR bytes. I have seen 0123, 2301, and 3012. I have seen the same
phone accept different rotations of the key at different times so I
doubt the rotation is based solely off the phones ESN and software
build time as I previously thought. Also, the random bytes that are
stored with the XOR key have 0 effect on the rotation. I will try to
get to the bottom of this later tonight but in the mean time the patch
I sent out late last night will work about 80% of the time (possibly
100% of the on the VX-9100).

