[BitPim-devel] need help adding phones
2009-03-06 03:16:13 UTC
Hi, I've extracted the information for the following Telus phones, sch-a870,
sch-a650 and sph-a540.

I need assistance to figure out the entries in the configuration files in
the phones directory, I've built files based on the sph-a80 someone else
made for a TELUS phone (his comments imply that these are "different") and
can ID the phone (gets the banner with correct models, etc), reading address
book gets a page of errors that I've not quite figured out how to deal with

I'm new to python and this isn't a small piece of entry level code, I'm
willing to make modifications and test it, but would appreciate some input
on the direction to head in and possibly what I should be looking for in the
phone files from others before me.


Ps. If I can make these work I'm looking at also adding an sch-u540, I'm
leaving it for the moment as it doesn't seem to respond properly to the AT
commands as the other 3 did.
