[Bitpim-devel] New comscan and newLinux RPM available
Roger Binns
2003-07-20 08:08:15 UTC
There is a new version of comscan available which should hopefully
make life easier for many people. One thing I hadn't realised is
that Windows will quite happily bind multiple drivers to the same
com port name.

My record is 4 drivers attached to com2:

- Hardware (motherboard) serial driver
- USB to serial converter (used with my GPS)
- FutureDial USB to serial cable
- FutureDial straight USB cable

Needless to say, none of them worked. A reinstall of Windows 98
fixed it :-) comscan now reports all drivers bound to a port,
rather than just one of them.


There is a new Linux RPM available as well. It should work everywhere
now and have no dependencies on an installed Python or wxPython. (The
prior release fell victim to some hard coded pathnames in the shared
libraries aka rpath. They are now stripped in the build process).
Please report any failures to run this.


