[BitPim-devel] Samsung M510 filesystem access
2009-06-16 02:56:49 UTC
I am unable to read the filesystem on my phone using the USB cable.
I've uploaded the protocol log to http://pastebin.com/f46f51153 and it
looks as though the phone does reply with a directory listing but for
some reason this is considered failure.

All I really want is to read the MSL code supposedly stored in
/nvm/nvm/nvm_0002. However I am willing to experiment with it to get
as much working as possible. I don't know much Python but I
reverse-engineer Nintendo games for fun and code in C, so I might be
able to help with something. I have tried to just copy this file via
the CLI, but the 'cp' command fails:
File "/usr/lib/python2.5/posixpath.py", line 195, in isdir
st = os.stat(path)
TypeError: coercing to Unicode: need string or buffer, list found

I'm using Xubuntu. This phone annoys the crap out of me so any help
hacking it to be less stupid would be great. Apparently there are some
Samsung programs that can read the contact list and other things so
they might give some insight into the protocol. I haven't used them at
all though. I wouldn't be a bit surprised either if there are a few
exploits in the firmware.
