1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
BitPim has the infrastructure for using comm ports, USB etc and for
describing the binary protocol used by CDMA phones. The line oriented
protocol used by some CDMA phones (Motorola, Samsung) will also be
added in the near future.
i.e. if I buy the right cable, I can
probably count on the required device drivers already having been
So the big question is the application layer. Can you get
specs out of the manufacturers,
I believe some do sell specs. We can also tell who has implemented
programs according to the spec since they do superfluous stuff or
do bizarre sequences of actions.
or do they keep them secret?
Yes, but not in a malicious way. Documenting this stuff doesn't
sell more handsets so why should they bother with the extra effort.
And if
you can't get specs from them, do you just probe and guess and try to
reverse engineer it, or is there some other source for the specs?
You can record what another program does, and use that as input.
(There is a program in the source that helps convert the output
of portmon into BitPim's analyser format). And once you know
how another model from the same manufacturer works, you can
extrapolate and extend. It is however all still reverse engineering.
Before I invest too much time in trying to modify Bitpim to ship
images back and forth to the LG VX3200, I'd like to find out if
there's any limitation imposed by the manufacturer that's going to
make it an impossible task.
I have no idea. It is a low end phone. If I had one I could
give you an answer.

