[Bitpim-devel] What is needed for 0.7 final release
Roger Binns
2004-03-28 20:47:20 UTC
Here is my current list of what needs to be done for a
0.7 final release, followed by what needs to happen
after that. Mandatory means I will implement it if noone
else does.


- Complete BitFling (this allows the phone and BitPim
to be on different machines, even across the Internet
and will make development a lot easier). I am actively
working on this.

- Complete the media code currently used for wallpaper
display (do something on activitation of items,
buttons for dealing with conversions, setting
origin for items [mms, drm, etc])

- Move the ringtones over to the media code

- Deal with ringtone formats correctly, and not
auto-force to mid. Deal with format conversion
(pvconv, ffmpeg)

- Complete the phonebook import/merge code. Categories
need to be selectable in the import dialog, and the
merge display (ie where an imported entry and an
existing entry need to joined together)


- Outlook import via the import dialog

- Phonebook export

After 0.7 final is out, the following needs to be
done for the next release:

- Get a better version numbering system :-) [Probably
the odd/even scheme used by Linux and other projects]

- Sort out the calendar

- I also want to do SMS, voice and text memos and other
things, but they are optional

Stephen Wood
2004-03-28 22:59:19 UTC
I would like add media support for Sanyo Phones. I have just started to
work on this.

