[BitPim-devel] Error
William Trull
2009-03-21 01:45:14 UTC
Version 1.06 won't work and I just downloaded 1.07 - same problem.
When I try to send the bug report, it won't work.
Basically I have Mac OS 10.4.11 and an LG Chocolate (VX8500). Whether
the phone is connected via USB or not the application will not even
open, It goes instantly to this error report:

BitPim version:
An unexpected exception has occurred.
Please see the help for details on what to do.

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "gui.pyo", line 248, in OnClose
File "gui.pyo", line 245, in goforit
File "gui.pyo", line 548, in makemainwindow
File "gui.pyo", line 900, in __init__
File "phone_root.pyo", line 124, in CreatePhone
File "phone_root.pyo", line 331, in Initialise
File "phone_root.pyo", line 427, in EnsureDatabase
File "database.pyo", line 309, in __init__
CantOpenError: CantOpenError: unable to open database file

Variables by last 8 frames, innermost last

Frame OnClose in gui.pyo at line 248
self = <gui.MySplashScreen; proxy of <Swig Object of
type 'wxSplashScreen *' at 0x1a2da
evt = <wx._core.CloseEvent; proxy of <Swig Object of
type 'wxCloseEvent *' at 0xbfffd0

Frame goforit in gui.pyo at line 245
self = <gui.MySplashScreen; proxy of <Swig Object of
type 'wxSplashScreen *' at 0x1a2da

Frame makemainwindow in gui.pyo at line 548
self = <gui.MainApp; proxy of <Swig Object of type
'wxPyApp *' at 0x3e717f0> >
name = None
title = 'BitPim'

Frame __init__ in gui.pyo at line 900
help = 'Export Media Files to a Zip file'
pos = 200
expmenu = <wx._core.Menu; proxy of <Swig Object of type
'wxMenu *' at 0x18832c30> >
ib = <wx._gdi.IconBundle; proxy of <Swig Object of
type 'wxIconBundle *' at 0x1882dce
id = -1
title = 'BitPim'
menu = <wx._core.Menu; proxy of <Swig Object of type
'wxMenu *' at 0x1883b140> >
self = <gui.MainWindow; proxy of <Swig Object of type
'wxFrame *' at 0x1a40e00> >
_desc = 'Execute'
_help = 'Perform Auto Calendar Import'
config = <bp_config.Config instance at 0x38e1c38>
_func = None
impmenu = <wx._core.Menu; proxy of <Swig Object of type
'wxMenu *' at 0x1882fea0> >
parent = None
func = <function OnFileExportMediaZip at 0x42f23b0>
x = 184
desc = 'Media to Zip File...'
sz = wx.Size(32, 32)
_submenu = <wx._core.Menu; proxy of <Swig Object of type
'wxMenu *' at 0x18830bd0> >
sb = <guiwidgets.MyStatusBar; proxy of <Swig Object of
type 'wxStatusBar *' at 0x1a41
_id = 179
menuBar = <wx._core.MenuBar; proxy of <Swig Object of type
'wxMenuBar *' at 0x19a9800> >

Frame CreatePhone in phone_root.pyo at line 124
name = 'Phone'
database_name = 'bitpim.db'
phone_id = <wx._controls.TreeItemId; proxy of <Swig Object
of type 'wxTreeItemId *' at 0x18
phone = <phone_root.Phone; proxy of <Swig Object of type
'wxScrolledWindow *' at 0x1a9b0
path = '/Users/williamt/.bitpim-files'
config = <bp_config.Config instance at 0x38e1c38>
self = <phone_root.PhoneTree; proxy of <Swig Object of
type 'wxPyTreeCtrl *' at 0x1a738

Frame Initialise in phone_root.pyo at line 331
blob_path = 'bitpim.db_blobs'
tree = <phone_root.PhoneTree; proxy of <Swig Object of
type 'wxPyTreeCtrl *' at 0x1a738
database_name = 'bitpim.db'
phone_id = <wx._controls.TreeItemId; proxy of <Swig Object
of type 'wxTreeItemId *' at 0x18
self = <phone_root.Phone; proxy of <Swig Object of type
'wxScrolledWindow *' at 0x1a9b0
mw = <gui.MainWindow; proxy of <Swig Object of type
'wxFrame *' at 0x1a40e00> >
path = '/Users/williamt/.bitpim-files'
config = <bp_config.Config instance at 0x38e1c38>
id = None

Frame EnsureDatabase in phone_root.pyo at line 427
newpath = '/Users/williamt/.bitpim-files'
self = <phone_root.Phone; proxy of <Swig Object of type
'wxScrolledWindow *' at 0x1a9b0
oldpath = '/Users/williamt/.bitpim-files'
vtabs = [{'args': ('/Users/williamt/.bitpim-files/
ringer',), 'modulename': 'ringtonemodu
newdbpath = '/Users/williamt/.bitpim-files/bitpim.db'
database_file = 'bitpim.db'

Frame __init__ in database.pyo at line 309
self = <database.Database instance at 0x18e79530>
virtualtables = [{'args': ('/Users/williamt/.bitpim-files/
ringer',), 'modulename': 'ringtonemodu
filename = '/Users/williamt/.bitpim-files/bitpim.db'
