[Bitpim-devel] Toshiba vm4050 protocol logfiles
Mike Hodson
2004-10-11 10:02:07 UTC
Hello there.
I have spent the better part of 3 days attempting to synch my old
contact data (taken from a sanyo 8100 with bitpim) into my brand new
toshiba vm4050 cellphone.
Previously I had bought the SnapSync/Dialer bundle from radioshack
last new years, when i was vacationing, and needed to get online on
the go (with the 8100, it worked great), but never actually used the
Synch software. So, I guessed, I could possibly use WINE/Win4Lin and
the now recently-registered Synch software to import the contacts into
my new phone, as they do support the toshiba vm4050. I bought the 4050
datacable on their site, and it showed up properly as a ttyACM device.
Good i thought. Time to have fun.

It turned out being not quite as easy as I had planned.
As i sit here thinking, I have tried a lot of things.
First: fire up snapsync inside of WINE, with the comport pointing to
/dev/usb/ttyACM0. worked, sort of. The phone rebooted, wine lost the
port, it froze.
Second try: Work out some sort of serial logger, to atleast get a dump
of what happens to read the contacts. That didnt quite pan out either.
Third, final, and COMPLETELY WORKING: Win4Lin, combined with tactical
software's Serial/IP paired with *nix 'sredir' serial port redirection
software, pointing to the acm device. I was able to gather the few
contacts added on the phone manually, and synch a few new ones over. I
have some protocol captures (taken from the Serial/IP program, so i
apoligize for the terrible formatting) of both the read and write
they are attached as gzips.

I hope this can help you guys get the 4050 atleast able to read/write,
as I am NOT looking forward to finding my old office cd so i can
export vcards from bitpim, import to outlook, and finally have
snapsync, through the exceedingly jerry-rigged setup, synch to my

Thanks for making a great product, and i hope this helps!

