[BitPim-devel] Bit Pim Error- LG 9700
Isaac Sherman
2010-02-19 00:45:23 UTC
Hi all,

I would have created a trouble report, but that gave me an error too (just
said it failed to create one, no explanation), so here's my description and
exception log:

I was trying to import my call history on my LG 9700. It hasn't worked for
several versions- I always get this same error. Everything else works
great! I have my phone set to read only. If you need any more info, please
let me know.

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "gui.pyo", line 284, in run

File "gui.pyo", line 159, in __call__

File "gui.pyo", line 1906, in getdata

File "phones\com_lgvx4400.pyo", line 283, in getcallhistory

File "phones\com_lgvx4400.pyo", line 301, in _readhistoryfile

File "call_history.pyo", line 175, in _set_duration

TypeError: duration property is an int arg

Variables by last 8 frames, innermost last

Frame run in gui.pyo at line 277

resultcb = <gui.Callback instance at 0x08F6D350>

res = None

self = <WorkerThread(BitPim helper, started daemon)>

item = (<gui.Request instance at 0x08A35260>, <gui.Callback
instance at 0x08F6D350>)

call = <gui.Request instance at 0x08A35260>

ex = TypeError('duration property is an int arg',)

e = TypeError('duration property is an int arg',)

first = 0

Frame __call__ in gui.pyo at line 159

self = <gui.Request instance at 0x08A35260>

args = ()

d = Keys []


kwargs = Keys []


Frame getdata in gui.pyo at line 1906

count = 1

i = (<bound method GetPhoneDialog.GetCallHistorySetting of

self = <WorkerThread(BitPim helper, started daemon)>

req = <guiwidgets.GetPhoneDialog; proxy of <Swig Object of type
'wxDialog *' at 0x4656

willcall = [(<bound method GetPhoneDialog.GetCallHistorySetting of

results = Keys ['groups', 'ringtone-index', 'sync', 'uniqueserial',

{'sync': {'call_history': 'MERGE'}, 'wallpaper-index':
{128: {'origin': 'images'

sync = Keys ['call_history']

{'call_history': 'MERGE'}

st = 0

todo = [(<bound method WorkerThread.rebootcheck of
<WorkerThread(BitPim helper, started

Frame getcallhistory in phones\com_lgvx4400.pyo at line 283

res = Keys ['1266539029.302002']

{'1266539029.302002': <call_history.CallHistoryEntry
object at 0x0E53AB10>}

self = <phones.com_lgvx9700.Phone object at 0x08914850>

result = Keys ['groups', 'ringtone-index', 'sync', 'uniqueserial',

{'sync': {'call_history': 'MERGE'}, 'wallpaper-index':
{128: {'origin': 'images'

Frame _readhistoryfile in phones\com_lgvx4400.pyo at line 312

ch = <phones.p_lgvx9700.callhistory object at 0x0DC43170>

call_idx = 7

res = Keys ['1266539029.302002']

{'1266539029.302002': <call_history.CallHistoryEntry
object at 0x0E53AB10>}

self = <phones.com_lgvx9700.Phone object at 0x08914850>

call = <phones.p_lgvx9700.call object at 0x0DC43B50>

fname = 'pim/missed_log.dat'

entry = <call_history.CallHistoryEntry object at 0x0DC43BF0>

folder = 'Missed'

buf = <prototypes.buffer object at 0x0DC606B0>

Frame _set_duration in call_history.pyo at line 175

self = <call_history.CallHistoryEntry object at 0x0DC43BF0>

v = 2688051811L
