1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Can someone point me at a primer for cell phone serial protocols in general, as well as some sort of stockpile of previous research on other Samsung phones that I can compare similarities? Do these exist?

I've never tinkered with the source code for Bitpim, so this is a bit of blind bumbling for me. But I'll learn with the right help.

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Would anyone be willing to render unto me a bit of assistance understanding the log files and the general idea of what I need to do to get started backing out the protocol of this phone? Attached are the log and protocol logs as a zip file. My OS is XP for the moment. Ports seem to be in order, with Com4 as the actual modem.<br><br>What do certain things mean in the log file? Specifically things like: 0:31:29.500 at the beginning of each line. It looks sort of like a time stamp or error code, but I can't determine it. I doubt this is a time, as it doesn't change from directive to directive (unless they're just happening between the resolution of the clock :(<br><br>What is a good barebones, OpenSouce terminal program that I can use to directly communicate with the modem? I'm thinking something like hyperterminal, but OpenSource for XP<br><br>