[BitPim-devel] Partial support for Samsung SGH-D600
Marvin Schmidt
2009-07-05 20:04:43 UTC

quite some time ago I started implementing support for the Samsung
SGH-D600, unfortunately that phone died and I had to get a new one,
that's why I couldn't finish that project.
I still got all of my work, but I'm afraid I can't comment too precisely
on it, but I figured maybe someone would like to continue my work,
that's why I'm sending what I got here.

The first thing I had to do was changing

return ': '.join(resp[0].split(': ')[1:])

in the __send_at_and_get function in src/phone_detect.py to

return resp[0]

in order to get my phone recognized at all. I wish I could tell you more
about why it's necessary, but it's been too long ago and I'm not able to
test it anymore.

The second patch adds two parameters to the sendpbcommand in
src/phones/com_samsung_packet.py. I think to remember doing this because
the phone sends big amounts splitted in multiple packets. If a packet
ends in "#OK#\r\n" one would have to send "##>\r\n" to keep to transfer
going. Doing that in the subclass was awfully slow, that's why i moved
it to the commport class to be able to react faster. Unfortunately I'm
missing the changes i did to commport.py :-/

Besides those 2 things it's just the p_samsungsghd600.p, the
com_samsungsghd600.py and the entry in src/phones/__init__.py

I got some mails from people, who would like to see support for the
Samsung SGH-D600 in BitPim an since i can't really do much about it I
hope some who has the phone takes it from here.
If any information about the phone are needed, I can probably cram out
the references/logs/etc. I used, just ask me, i'll do my best to help.

Best regards,
Marvin Schmidt
