[BitPim-devel] Calendar crash
Simon C
2006-07-03 03:57:54 UTC
Got this exception when importing a calendar from the phone.
I noticed the new calendar import functionality.
It seems odd that I selected "replace all" in the get phone data dialog but
another dialog pops up and asks me if I want to merge or overwrite, why do I
have to answer the same question twice?

BitPim version: trunk-bitpim-3440-developer build
An unexpected exception has occurred.
Please see the help for details on what to do.

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\projects\bitpim\trunk\src\gui.py", line 1727, in OnCallback
File "C:\projects\bitpim\trunk\src\gui.py", line 177, in __call__
return apply(self.cb, self.args, self.kwargs)
File "C:\projects\bitpim\trunk\src\gui.py", line 134, in __call__
apply(self.method, self.args+args, d)
File "C:\projects\bitpim\trunk\src\gui.py", line 1368, in
File "C:\projects\bitpim\trunk\src\bpcalendar.py", line 1236, in mergedata
File "C:\projects\bitpim\trunk\src\bpcalendar.py", line 1878, in get
return self._grid.GetTable().get(self._merge)
File "C:\projects\bitpim\trunk\src\bpcalendar.py", line 1758, in get
return self._merge()
File "C:\projects\bitpim\trunk\src\bpcalendar.py", line 1736, in _merge
NameError: global name 'key' is not defined

Variables by last 8 frames, innermost last

Frame OnCallback in C:\projects\bitpim\trunk\src\gui.py at line 1727
self = <gui.MainWindow; proxy of C++ wxFrame instance at
event = <gui.HelperReturnEvent; proxy of C++ wxPyEvent instance
at _40dca802_p_wxPyEvent

Frame __call__ in C:\projects\bitpim\trunk\src\gui.py at line 177
self = <gui.HelperReturnEvent; proxy of C++ wxPyEvent instance
at _40dca802_p_wxPyEvent

Frame __call__ in C:\projects\bitpim\trunk\src\gui.py at line 134
self = <gui.Callback instance at 0x02AC2440>
args = (None, {'uniqueserial':
'df8d7ef6834d347b143355d8380566e64d7ef631', 'sync': {'ca
d = Keys []
kwargs = Keys []

Frame OnDataGetPhoneResults in C:\projects\bitpim\trunk\src\gui.py at line
exception = None
self = <gui.MainWindow; proxy of C++ wxFrame instance at
results = Keys ['calendar', 'calendar_version', 'groups',
'ringtone-index', 'sync', 'uniqueserial', 'wallpaper-index']
'df8d7ef6834d347b143355d8380566e64d7ef631', 'sync': {'calendar'
updwp = False
updrng = False

Frame mergedata in C:\projects\bitpim\trunk\src\bpcalendar.py at line 1236
self = <bpcalendar.Calendar; proxy of C++ wxPanel instance at
dlg = <bpcalendar.MergeDialog; proxy of C++ wxDialog instance
at _f8e2a802_p_wxDialog>
result = Keys ['calendar', 'calendar_version', 'groups',
'ringtone-index', 'sync', 'uniqueserial', 'wallpaper-index']
'df8d7ef6834d347b143355d8380566e64d7ef631', 'sync': {'calendar'

Frame get in C:\projects\bitpim\trunk\src\bpcalendar.py at line 1878
self = <bpcalendar.MergeDialog; proxy of C++ wxDialog instance
at _f8e2a802_p_wxDialog>

Frame get in C:\projects\bitpim\trunk\src\bpcalendar.py at line 1758
merge = True
self = <bpcalendar.MergeDataTable; proxy of C++
wxPyGridTableBase instance at _98dca802

Frame _merge in C:\projects\bitpim\trunk\src\bpcalendar.py at line 1736
_key = '34b072f97196a0ebc53eea0ec3ed94a785dc9bdb'
self = <bpcalendar.MergeDataTable; proxy of C++
wxPyGridTableBase instance at _98dca802
_row = [u'Repeat yearly', '2006-06-21 10:00', 0, 1, 0, 'New
event', '34b072f97196a0ebc5
Joe Pham
2006-07-05 02:31:41 UTC
Post by Simon C
Got this exception when importing a calendar from the phone.
Thanks for catching it.
Post by Simon C
It seems odd that I selected "replace all" in the get phone data
dialog but another dialog pops up and asks me if I want to merge or
It's consistent with how Contacts data is merged.

-Joe Pham

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