[BitPim-devel] wiki update
Joe Pham
2007-06-26 03:55:26 UTC
To me, the critical factor is the transfer of contents between the
Wiki pages and the BitPim Help pages (mainly from Wiki to BitPim).
If this cannot be done or cannot be done efficiently, we might need
to take a different approach.

Some initial ideas for the contents (not in any particular order):

1. Tips & tricks on how to use BitPim
2. Tips & tricks on how to work individual phone models.
3. Problems & resolutions.
4. FAQ.

-Joe Pham

Click to find local singles for dating, romance and fun
Mark Weber
2007-06-27 06:10:22 UTC
Post by Joe Pham
To me, the critical factor is the transfer of contents between the
Wiki pages and the BitPim Help pages (mainly from Wiki to BitPim).
If this cannot be done or cannot be done efficiently, we might need
to take a different approach.
Sure. Wikispaces (which is the wiki on SourceForge) supports
a very nice "export as HTML and zip up" command.

and click "Export Space as HTML" Windows zip button (or Unix tgz)

One thing I'm not sure about is whether a native HTML
hierarchy is workable as the source for the help system.
I expect that it is, and will work nicely, but I don't have
experience with this. Anybody know for sure?
Post by Joe Pham
1. Tips & tricks on how to use BitPim
2. Tips & tricks on how to work individual phone models.
3. Problems & resolutions.
4. FAQ.
-Joe Pham
Thanks for that. My initial goal is to duplicate the current
help in the wiki. Then, it will be easy to reorganize however
makes sense.

I suspect we'll have several iterations on the hierarchy.
It's easy to rearrange.
Joe Pham
2007-06-27 23:47:29 UTC
Wikispaces (which is the wiki on SourceForge) supports a very
nice "export as HTML and zip up" command.
I'll give that a try.
One thing I'm not sure about is whether a native HTML hierarchy is
workable as the source for the help system.
We use HelpBlocks to author and build the BitPim Help. The source is
a series of HTML-like pages. I have to look at what Wikispaces can
export and determine if they can be manipulated into HelpBlocks
source format.

-Joe Pham

Click to find local singles for dating, romance and fun
Mark Weber
2007-07-07 21:09:00 UTC
Post by Joe Pham
Wikispaces (which is the wiki on SourceForge) supports a very
nice "export as HTML and zip up" command.
I'll give that a try.
One thing I'm not sure about is whether a native HTML hierarchy is
workable as the source for the help system.
We use HelpBlocks to author and build the BitPim Help. The source is
a series of HTML-like pages. I have to look at what Wikispaces can
export and determine if they can be manipulated into HelpBlocks
source format.
Have you had a chance to look at this stuff yet? I'm not trying
to rush you; I'm just curious about state of affairs.

Stephen Wood
2007-07-07 22:14:35 UTC

For the helpblocks->wiki direction I'll try to get something to show you

Post by Mark Weber
Have you had a chance to look at this stuff yet? I'm not trying
to rush you; I'm just curious about state of affairs.
Joe Pham
2007-07-08 21:22:07 UTC
Post by Mark Weber
Have you had a chance to look at this stuff yet?
No, I haven't gotten a chance to do that yet, I'm planning to do that
this coming week. Will let you know. In the mean time, you might
want to consider alternatives should we fail to transfer contents
from Wiki to BitPim help.

-Joe Pham

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Mark Weber
2007-07-09 04:31:59 UTC
... just so you know where I am:

I received a bunch of wiki-ish files from Stephen; I've been pasting
them into the wiki and doctoring by hand. I've done:
1) page that lists the supported phones
2) first few phones

There are numerous broken links in the above ... will let you know
when finished.
Stephen Wood
2007-07-09 04:36:58 UTC
Please don't expect these to be final. I am sure there are more things I
need to do.

Let me know what doctoring your are doing and I'll see if I can add it to
the script.

Post by Mark Weber
I received a bunch of wiki-ish files from Stephen; I've been pasting
1) page that lists the supported phones
2) first few phones
There are numerous broken links in the above ... will let you know
when finished.
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BitPim-devel mailing list
Stephen Wood

One of the "Steves" of Project Steve at http://www.ncseweb.org/.
Mark Weber
2007-07-09 06:04:56 UTC
Post by Stephen Wood
Let me know what doctoring your are doing and I'll see if I can add it to
the script.

Here are some items:

1) replace   with a blank
2) replace > with >
3) replace " with "
4) replace ''' with **
5) paragraphs should not have any "\n" in them
6) replace all current TOC stuff with a single line, [[toc]]

7) instead of
[[Help:Reference:Phones:LG C2000:Notes|Notes]]
[[Phones LG C2000 Notes|Notes]]
(no colons; no path; blanks okay)

Also, in the existing doc, most phones span several HTML pages, and
most of the pages are quite short. I've been joining these into one
file, so the reader does not have to click through. Probably in a few
cases we'll want to break it up, but would be easier to handle those
cases by hand. If the join is tricky to do programatically, skip it.

This is most of what can be fixed automatically.
Stephen Wood
2007-07-09 13:49:22 UTC
Post by Mark Weber
Post by Stephen Wood
Let me know what doctoring your are doing and I'll see if I can add it
Post by Stephen Wood
the script.
1) replace   with a blank
3) replace " with "
4) replace ''' with **
Those should be easy.

5) paragraphs should not have any "\n" in them

That's trickier, but I'll try.

6) replace all current TOC stuff with a single line, [[toc]]

Give me an example of a file to do that in. Do you think it will work?

7) instead of
Post by Mark Weber
[[Help:Reference:Phones:LG C2000:Notes|Notes]]
[[Phones LG C2000 Notes|Notes]]
(no colons; no path; blanks okay)
I put in the Help:Reference:Phones to preserve structure of the current help
system. The "Help" identitfies it as part of the help, and the following
are the sections and subsections. I suppose we could keep a separate table
of contents which would aid in moving the wiki files back into the help?

Also, in the existing doc, most phones span several HTML pages, and
Post by Mark Weber
most of the pages are quite short. I've been joining these into one
file, so the reader does not have to click through. Probably in a few
cases we'll want to break it up, but would be easier to handle those
cases by hand. If the join is tricky to do programatically, skip it.
I wouldn't do it programatically. If we are going to do this, then the
pages should be merged in the current help first. What do you think Joe?

Thanks, Stephen
Mark Weber
2007-07-09 16:31:35 UTC
Post by Stephen Wood
Post by Mark Weber
6) replace all current TOC stuff with a single line, [[toc]]
Give me an example of a file to do that in. Do you think it will work?
See http://bitpim.wiki.sourceforge.net/Phones+LG+PM225
For the wiki text, hit "edit this page", then "text editor"
Post by Stephen Wood
Post by Mark Weber
Also, in the existing doc, most phones span several HTML pages, and
most of the pages are quite short. I've been joining these into one
file, so the reader does not have to click through. Probably in a few
cases we'll want to break it up, but would be easier to handle those
cases by hand. If the join is tricky to do programatically, skip it.
I wouldn't do it programatically. If we are going to do this, then the
pages should be merged in the current help first. What do you think Joe?
I don't think its worth the trouble to make this change in the
current help. This is easy to do in the wiki. The wiki->BitPim
converter needs to be able to carry over the heirarchy, w/o any
side structures.

Hopefully you'll find an easy way to convert native HTML into
a help system. IIRC, you said you'd look at this some this week.

You asked to consider alternatives in the event that the
effort to convert from wiki to BitPim fails. Here is what I
can come up with.

1) keep phone section in wiki only, rest of help in BitPim only
2) invesitigate different wikis
3) punt wiki

IMO, #1 would be the way to go. It
a) provides wiki for most of what the user community would be editing
b) phone stuff is what changes most rapidly anyway
c) is good for users
d) is easy for developers, both now and future

IMO, some users are eager to contribute their phone
experiences ... just need to empower them.


I won't be able to work on this any more until about Friday.

Stephen Wood
2007-07-09 17:42:00 UTC
Post by Mark Weber
I won't be able to work on this any more until about Friday.
I'll try to have another draft of translated pages by then.

I do the filenames as you suggest. Your suggestion makes sense as I think
about it more.

I would like to get as much into the Wiki as we can. Besides phones, there
are a number of other areas that are natural for users to contribute to.
The FAQ and linux issues are areas where we have a hard time keeping up with
helpful hints that people post on the lists.

Stephen Wood
2007-07-09 04:36:58 UTC
Please don't expect these to be final. I am sure there are more things I
need to do.

Let me know what doctoring your are doing and I'll see if I can add it to
the script.

Post by Mark Weber
I received a bunch of wiki-ish files from Stephen; I've been pasting
1) page that lists the supported phones
2) first few phones
There are numerous broken links in the above ... will let you know
when finished.
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BitPim-devel mailing list
Stephen Wood

One of the "Steves" of Project Steve at http://www.ncseweb.org/.
Joe Pham
2007-07-09 15:44:09 UTC
Post by Stephen Wood
I wouldn't do it programatically. If we are going to do this, then
the pages should be merged in the current help first. What do you
think Joe?
I'm open to any suggestions, my only input at this point is that
whatever being converted to the Wiki will need to be converted back
into BitPim. Thanks for all the work you guys have been putting in.

-Joe Pham

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Joe Pham
2007-07-09 21:09:52 UTC
Does it make sense to keep all of the Phones help pages into one
page/model (rather than 2 or pages as we have them right now)

-Joe Pham

Click here to find single Christians that want to meet you today
Stephen Wood
2007-07-09 22:54:09 UTC
I think one page per phone is fine. There might be cases where there is
specialized information that could go on additional pages and that is fine.

Post by Joe Pham
Does it make sense to keep all of the Phones help pages into one
page/model (rather than 2 or pages as we have them right now)
-Joe Pham
Click here to find single Christians that want to meet you today
This SF.net email is sponsored by DB2 Express
Download DB2 Express C - the FREE version of DB2 express and take
control of your XML. No limits. Just data. Click to get it now.
BitPim-devel mailing list
Stephen Wood

One of the "Steves" of Project Steve at http://www.ncseweb.org/.