[Bitpim-devel] Windows binaries on Mac?
Roger Binns
2003-12-12 08:01:02 UTC
BitPim 0.7 has support for sound conversion to and from the
PureVoice stuff Qualcomm uses. This is done by two binaries.
One is ffmpeg which is GPL and provided as source, so it can
be compiled for anything. It is used to convert any audio
source into mono 8KHz pcm.

The second binary is PVConv.exe which is from Qualcomm and
only available for Windows. It is a trivial command line
only tool that does the conversion between mono 8KHz pcm
and purevoice (or back again). The binary runs perfectly
on Linux if you have Wine installed.

So what happens on Mac?

Steven Palm
2003-12-12 17:32:29 UTC
Post by Roger Binns
BitPim 0.7 has support for sound conversion to and from the
PureVoice stuff Qualcomm uses. This is done by two binaries.
One is ffmpeg which is GPL and provided as source, so it can
be compiled for anything. It is used to convert any audio
source into mono 8KHz pcm.
The second binary is PVConv.exe which is from Qualcomm and
only available for Windows. It is a trivial command line
only tool that does the conversion between mono 8KHz pcm
and purevoice (or back again). The binary runs perfectly
on Linux if you have Wine installed.
So what happens on Mac?
It won't work. The only way to run Windows binaries on the Mac is
through either the bochs emulator or VirtualPC. And even then, I'm not
sure if there is a "nice" way to handle the interaction. Interestingly
enough, though, Apple has a QuickTime codec for Qualcomm's PureVoice. I
wonder if it's the same format (or possible to strip it out) and then
also how much work is it to access this from Python...

I'll look into this after the USB issue.

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Steve Palm - ***@n9yty.com
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