[Bitpim-devel] bitpim development release 0.7.12 available
Roger Binns
2004-06-07 07:44:45 UTC
Get it from

Changelog at

Please post any problems here. Main announcement will go out
in 24 hours.

Stephen Wood
2004-06-08 03:34:43 UTC
I get the error below on two different Fedora Core 1 systems.
Unfortunately I hosed my only only easily available RH9 system yesterday
and had to upgrade it to FC1, so I can't easily check the RPM on RH9.

I don't get this error with test11.

If I build my own RPM on a FC1 system, I also get this error, even
though running BitPim directly from source works fine.

My python identifies itself as 2.2.3, built with GCC 3.3.1.


Traceback (most recent call last):
File "bp.py", line 17, in ?
File "/usr/lib/python2.2/encodings/__init__.py", line 29, in ?
File "/usr/lib/python2.2/codecs.py", line 8, in ?
SystemError: Failed to load the builtin codecs:
/usr/lib/bitpim-0.7.12/_codecsmodule.so: undefined symbol:
Roger Binns
2004-06-08 09:40:20 UTC
Post by Stephen Wood
I get the error below on two different Fedora Core 1 systems.
Unfortunately I hosed my only only easily available RH9 system yesterday
and had to upgrade it to FC1, so I can't easily check the RPM on RH9.
Ooops, I believe I have now fixed this and have replaced the download.
And since you have just dumped RH9 I have upgraded to Python 2.3 as well

I swapped my main machine from RH9 to Gentoo, and then rebuilt a RH9 from
scratch under VirtualPC. The last few builds on RH9 were actually done
using Python 2.3, and this last failed one was stock RH9 Python 2.2.

For the record (and archives), here is how I took a stock RH9 and
updated it to Python 2.3:

- Install a recent Swig (the RH9 stock one is ancient)
- Download latest Python 2.3 source rpm from
- rpmbuild --rebuild python src.rpm (*)
- rpm -i new python.rpm
- rpm -i new python - devel.rpm (needed to build USB)
- cd native/usb ; ./build.sh

- Reinstall DSV and pyserial ensuring that python2.3 is used to
invoke setup.py
- Install wxPython for Python 2.3 (note you can only have one
wxPython on your machine at a time due to a hard coded pathname)

- Build cx_Freeze (the distributed binaries use UCS2, you have to
rebuild the bases to get UCS4 like the rest of Python uses).

Download and extract the Python-2.3 binary of cx_Freeze into

Download cx_Freeze source as well as cx_PyGenLib. Extract them
in directories next to each other.

$ cd wherever you extracted the source of cx_Freeze
$ PYTHONPATH=../cx_PyGenLib-2.2 python2.3 MakeFrozenBases.py
$ cp ConsoleBase ConseSetLibPathBase /opt/cx_Freeze-2.2

(*) If you haven't setup an rpm build environment, then follow the
"First time setup" section of http://umlbuilder.sf.net/umlcustom.shtml

