[Bitpim-devel] Samsung A530 support
Kent and Paula
2003-09-23 01:30:26 UTC
I am interested in helping to add support for the Samsung A530. I can provide a backup zip file. I may be able to test code, etc. I have downloaded all of the software needed to help develop, but I am a novice. I have been successful testing the .7 code.

It occurs to me adding support for the Samsung would be much easier if I had a backup of the LGVX4400. I could then contrast and compare the files and directory structure. Can someone provide me one please?

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Roger Binns
2003-09-23 01:45:00 UTC
Post by Kent and Paula
It occurs to me adding support for the Samsung would be
much easier if I had a backup of the LGVX4400. I could then contrast and
compare the files and directory structure. Can someone provide me one please?
A complete directory structure contains personal information
such as phonebooks, ESN etc.

My intention is to provide stuff in the examples directory that will
be part of the public repository, but needless to say it does require
some effort to put sanitised data in there.

The source code is also undergoing a restructure (new phones will be
a lot easier and smaller code when done).

What features does your phone have?

I would recommend starting with the phonebook which is also usually
the hardest :-)

Try using the code for the VX4400 and see what happens. I think it
won't work at all since I suspect the phonebook protocol is proprietary
to each vendor. But lets see what you get.

Look in the archives for this mailing list for this month to
see the traces Scott and Alan were working with.

