[BitPim-devel] Proposed new feature: BitPim Data Deletion
Joe Pham
2007-01-01 00:20:50 UTC
This feature allows users to delete old BitPim data. Access via main
menu "Data" -> "Delete", which brings up a dialog that has the
following options:

o Delete ALL Data
o Delete data older than 30 days.
o Delete data older than 60 days.
o Delete data older than <User specified date>
Buttons: Delete, Cancel, Help

This feature is applicable (and implemented individually) for each
Tree Item (phonebook, calendar, etc.)

If and when this feature is implemented (and some cleanup of the Help
pages), I think BitPim is ready to move to version 1.0.

Comments and suggestions are welcome.

-Joe Pham

FREE for 30 Days! - Holiday eCards from AmericanGreetings.com
Roger Binns
2007-01-01 01:30:18 UTC
Post by Joe Pham
This feature allows users to delete old BitPim data. Access via main
menu "Data" -> "Delete", which brings up a dialog that has the
The database code has two deletion options. One is based on date, but
the other is based on generations. For example if you preserve the last
3 generations, then for each entry the last 3 sets of data are kept.

Joe Pham
2007-01-01 20:31:38 UTC
is based on date, but the other is based on generations.
How about another option with user specified # of data generations.

-Joe Pham

FREE for 30 Days! - Holiday eCards from AmericanGreetings.com
Roger Binns
2007-01-01 20:53:08 UTC
Post by Joe Pham
is based on date, but the other is based on generations.
How about another option with user specified # of data generations.
Sure. Word it something like "The last 3 changes to each entry" where
'3' can be variable.

Roger Binns
2007-01-02 10:17:28 UTC
I forgot to ask about why this feature even needs to be added.
Currently BitPim has the nice attribute that it never loses your data.
The deletion feature will help lose data. It won't save much space
since the data is stored by reference not value, and the size of the
database is trivial compared to the various items of multimedia (images
etc). Heck I would wager that for the vast majority of users, the
database is smaller than a single image from the camera.

What I think would be way more interesting is a timeline view that shows
all changes (phonebook, calendar etc) going back into the past.
Something like this:


But phonebook entries, sms entries etc.

Don Peterkofsky
2007-01-01 20:38:05 UTC
Using latest release of 0.9.10, I got this error when importing Outlook

BitPim version: 0.9.10-official
An unexpected exception has occurred.
Please see the help for details on what to do.

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "wx\_core.pyo", line 13539, in <lambda>
File "guihelper.pyo", line 158, in _busywrapper
File "importexport.pyo", line 689, in UpdateData
File "importexport.pyo", line 1333, in ReReadData
File "native\outlook\outlook.pyo", line 178, in getcontacts
File "win32com\client\__init__.pyo", line 496, in __getattr__
File "win32com\client\__init__.pyo", line 455, in __getattr__
File "win32com\client\__init__.pyo", line 446, in _ApplyTypes_
com_error: (-2147219968, 'OLE error 0x80040600', None, None)

Variables by last 8 frames, innermost last

Frame <lambda> in wx\_core.pyo at line 13539
event = <wx._core.PyEvent; proxy of C++ wxPyEvent instance at

Frame _busywrapper in guihelper.pyo at line 160
args = (<importexport.ImportOutlookDialog; proxy of C++ wxDialog
instance at _20264104_
method = <function UpdateData at 0x01EA8D30>
kwargs = Keys []

Frame UpdateData in importexport.pyo at line 689
self = <importexport.ImportOutlookDialog; proxy of C++ wxDialog
instance at _20264104_p

Frame ReReadData in importexport.pyo at line 1333
self = <importexport.ImportOutlookDialog; proxy of C++ wxDialog
instance at _20264104_p

Frame getcontacts in native\outlook\outlook.pyo at line 178
keys = ['BusinessFaxNumber', 'HomeAddressState', 'FirstName',
'LastName', 'BusinessAddr
res = [{'BusinessTelephoneNumber': u'(503) 283-5182',
'FirstName': u'Airport', 'LastNa
keytype = 'Email1AddressType'
oc = 157
record = Keys []
contact = <win32com.gen_py.None.ContactItem>
key = 'BusinessFaxNumber'
v = u'Jim Bassett'
x = u'Business'
folder = <native.outlook.outlook_com.MAPIFolder instance at

Frame __getattr__ in win32com\client\__init__.pyo at line 496
self = <win32com.gen_py.None.ContactItem>
d = <native.outlook.outlook_com._ContactItem instance at
attr = 'BusinessFaxNumber'

Frame __getattr__ in win32com\client\__init__.pyo at line 455
self = <native.outlook.outlook_com._ContactItem instance at
args = (14884, 2, (8, 0), (), 'BusinessFaxNumber', None)
attr = 'BusinessFaxNumber'

Frame _ApplyTypes_ in win32com\client\__init__.pyo at line 446
resultCLSID = None
dispid = 14884
self = <native.outlook.outlook_com._ContactItem instance at
args = ()
retType = (8, 0)
argTypes = ()
wFlags = 2
user = 'BusinessFaxNumber'
Roger Binns
2007-01-01 20:54:42 UTC
Post by Don Peterkofsky
Using latest release of 0.9.10, I got this error when importing Outlook
This group is for developers working on the code. Are you going to fix
the code?
Post by Don Peterkofsky
com_error: (-2147219968, 'OLE error 0x80040600', None, None)

Joe Pham
2007-01-01 21:32:38 UTC
Post by Don Peterkofsky
com_error: (-2147219968, 'OLE error 0x80040600', None, None)
In this case, Outlook returned an error to BitPim. There appears to
be something wrong with the Bussiness Fax Number of contact 'Jim

-Joe Pham

FREE for 30 Days! - Holiday eCards from AmericanGreetings.com
Don Peterkofsky
2007-01-01 22:22:31 UTC
Actually, in the Outlook contact, that field is empty/blank.

-----Original Message-----
From: bitpim-devel-***@lists.sourceforge.net
[mailto:bitpim-devel-***@lists.sourceforge.net] On Behalf Of Joe Pham
Sent: Monday, January 01, 2007 1:33 PM
To: bitpim-***@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [BitPim-devel] Outlook Contact Import bug
Post by Don Peterkofsky
com_error: (-2147219968, 'OLE error 0x80040600', None, None)
In this case, Outlook returned an error to BitPim. There appears to
be something wrong with the Bussiness Fax Number of contact 'Jim

-Joe Pham

FREE for 30 Days! - Holiday eCards from AmericanGreetings.com

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Don Peterkofsky
2007-01-01 22:22:56 UTC
Sorry, should have posted to users.


-----Original Message-----
From: bitpim-devel-***@lists.sourceforge.net
[mailto:bitpim-devel-***@lists.sourceforge.net] On Behalf Of Roger Binns
Sent: Monday, January 01, 2007 12:55 PM
To: bitpim-***@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [BitPim-devel] Outlook Contact Import bug

Hash: SHA1
Post by Don Peterkofsky
Using latest release of 0.9.10, I got this error when importing Outlook
This group is for developers working on the code. Are you going to fix
the code?
Post by Don Peterkofsky
com_error: (-2147219968, 'OLE error 0x80040600', None, None)

Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


Take Surveys. Earn Cash. Influence the Future of IT
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opinions on IT & business topics through brief surveys - and earn cash
Joe Pham
2007-01-02 23:15:44 UTC
Post by Roger Binns
I forgot to ask about why this feature even needs to be added.
No need really, it was added to the ToDo list when the DB was
initially implemented.

-Joe Pham

FREE for 30 Days! - Holiday eCards from AmericanGreetings.com