[BitPim-devel] Error Sending Ringtones - Ubuntu Gutsy
Chris Champion
2007-10-24 02:38:55 UTC

I'm running ubuntu gutsy, and I keep getting this error when trying to send
MP3 ringtones to my LG VX8300. I'm using a cable with a VID:PID of
1004:6000. The error is after the convert dialog, and is unaffected by
bypassing it. Transferring ringers on windows works fine.

Here's the error output (there's no send error report button like the help
page says, so I'm posting here. Hope that's cool.

BitPim version: 1.0.0-Debian
An unexpected exception has occurred.
Please see the help for details on what to do.

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/share/bitpim/code/phone_root.py", line 243, in OnEditAddEntry
File "/usr/share/bitpim/code/ringers.py", line 85, in OnAdd
super(RingerView, self).OnAdd(evt)
File "/usr/share/bitpim/code/fileview.py", line 990, in OnAdd
File "/usr/share/bitpim/code/guihelper.py", line 162, in _busywrapper
return method(*args, **kwargs)
File "/usr/share/bitpim/code/ringers.py", line 191, in OnAddFiles
self.AddToIndex(target, self.active_section, data, self._data, mtime)
File "/usr/share/bitpim/code/fileview.py", line 763, in AddToIndex
File "/usr/share/bitpim/code/fileview.py", line 148, in _set_timestamp
raise TypeError('duration property is an int arg')
TypeError: duration property is an int arg

Variables by last 8 frames, innermost last

Frame OnEditAddEntry in /usr/share/bitpim/code/phone_root.py at line 243
self = <phone_root.PhoneTree; proxy of C++ wxPyTreeCtrl instance
at _d8240f09_p_wxPyTre
evt = <wx._core.CommandEvent; proxy of C++ wxCommandEvent
instance at _80b9c0bf_p_wxCo

Frame OnAdd in /usr/share/bitpim/code/ringers.py at line 85
self = <ringers.RingerView; proxy of C++ wxPanel instance at
evt = <wx._core.CommandEvent; proxy of C++ wxCommandEvent
instance at _80b9c0bf_p_wxCo

Frame OnAdd in /usr/share/bitpim/code/fileview.py at line 990
self = <ringers.RingerView; proxy of C++ wxPanel instance at
dlg = <wx._windows.FileDialog; proxy of C++ wxFileDialog
instance at _2839a209_p_wxFil
_ = <wx._core.CommandEvent; proxy of C++ wxCommandEvent
instance at _80b9c0bf_p_wxCo

Frame _busywrapper in /usr/share/bitpim/code/guihelper.py at line 164
args = (<ringers.RingerView; proxy of C++ wxPanel instance at
_18335a09_p_wxPanel>, [u'
method = <function OnAddFiles at 0x8c9017c>
kwargs = Keys []

Frame OnAddFiles in /usr/share/bitpim/code/ringers.py at line 191
target = 'Neverending.mp3'
self = <ringers.RingerView; proxy of C++ wxPanel instance at
filenames = [u'/home/kooseefoo/Desktop/Phone
file_stat = (33188, 1352065L, 2051L, 1, 1000, 1000, 283987L,
1193192575, 1193118684, 1193118
file = u'/home/kooseefoo/Desktop/Phone
mtime = 1193118684.0
data = 'ID3\x04\x00@\x00\x00\x018\x00\x00\x00\x0c\x01

Frame AddToIndex in /usr/share/bitpim/code/fileview.py at line 763
origin = 'ringers'
index = -1
i = u'1193192246.049048'
timestamp = 1193118684.0
self = <ringers.RingerView; proxy of C++ wxPanel instance at
dict = Keys ['ringtone-index']
{'ringtone-index': {u'1193192246.050058': <
fileview.MediaEntry object at 0x98365
file = 'Neverending.mp3'
entry = <fileview.MediaEntry object at 0x9906acc>
data = 'ID3\x04\x00@\x00\x00\x018\x00\x00\x00\x0c\x01

Frame _set_timestamp in /usr/share/bitpim/code/fileview.py at line 148
self = <fileview.MediaEntry object at 0x9906acc>
v = 1193118684.0
Aaron M. Ucko
2007-10-24 20:23:45 UTC
Post by Chris Champion
BitPim version: 1.0.0-Debian
This is (just) too old to support Python 2.5, which I believe is
Ubuntu's default nowadays. Please try the 1.0.2 .deb from


(You can, and should, keep your current bitpim-lib installation.)
Aaron M. Ucko, KB1CJC (amu at alum.mit.edu, ucko at debian.org)
Finger ***@monk.mit.edu (NOT a valid e-mail address) for more info.