[BitPim-devel] Ringtone converter choking on particular filenames
Igor Orlovich
2006-07-02 21:10:03 UTC
Just noticed this crash when converting a file that has "á" in the
BitPim version: 0.9.04-official
An unexpected exception has occurred.
Please see the help for details on what to do.

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "guihelper.pyo", line 155, in _busywrapper
File "ringers.pyo", line 456, in OnConvert
File "ringers.pyo", line 582, in mp3convert
File "conversions.pyo", line 240, in converttomp3
File "conversions.pyo", line 38, in shortfilename
UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xe1' in
position 43: ordinal not in range(128)

Variables by last 8 frames, innermost last

Frame OnAddFiles in ringers.pyo at line 201
afi = <fileinfo.AudioFileInfo instance at 0x02BB88C8>
self = <ringers.RingerView; proxy of C++ wxPanel instance
at _80dba502_p_wxPanel>
file_stat = (33206, 0L, 2, 1, 0, 0, 409300L, 1151874204,
1151874204, 1151874201)
filenames = [u'C:\\Program
convertinfo = <fileinfo.AudioFileInfo instance at 0x02ABFFA8>
file = u'C:\\Program
mtime = 1151874204
newext = 'mp3'
filedata = None

Frame ConvertFormat in ringers.pyo at line 230
convertinfo = <fileinfo.AudioFileInfo instance at 0x02ABFFA8>
dlg = <ringers.ConvertDialog; proxy of C++ wxDialog
instance at _0810ba02_p_wxDialog>
self = <ringers.RingerView; proxy of C++ wxPanel instance
at _80dba502_p_wxPanel>
file = u'C:\\Program

Frame ShowModal in wx\_windows.pyo at line 688
args = (<ringers.ConvertDialog; proxy of C++ wxDialog
instance at _0810ba02_p_wxDialog>
kwargs = Keys []

Frame _busywrapper in guihelper.pyo at line 157
args = (<ringers.ConvertDialog; proxy of C++ wxDialog
instance at _0810ba02_p_wxDialog>
method = <function OnConvert at 0x01DE3870>
kwargs = Keys []

Frame OnConvert in ringers.pyo at line 456
i = 343
self = <ringers.ConvertDialog; proxy of C++ wxDialog
instance at _0810ba02_p_wxDialog>
_ = <wx._core.CommandEvent; proxy of C++ wxCommandEvent
instance at _d0d71200_p_wxCo

Frame mp3convert in ringers.pyo at line 582
self = <ringers.ConvertDialog; proxy of C++ wxDialog
instance at _0810ba02_p_wxDialog>

Frame converttomp3 in conversions.pyo at line 248
ffmpeg = 'C:\\PROGRA~1\\BitPim\\helpers\\ffmpeg.exe'
mp3file =
inputfilename = u'C:\\Program
channels = 2
samplerate = 44100
bitrate = 128

Frame shortfilename in conversions.pyo at line 38
x = u'C:\\Program
Joe Pham
2006-07-05 02:32:44 UTC
Post by Igor Orlovich
Just noticed this crash when converting a file that has "á" in the
Thanks for reporting the problem. The fix will be in the next

-Joe Pham

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