[BitPim-devel] Apple iCal file support?
Adam Seering
2005-10-15 04:17:16 UTC
I use Apple's iCal heavily; I'm trying to use BitPim to sync my
calendars to my cellphone. iCal exports vCalendar files, except it
uses the file extension ".ics", instead of ".vcs". BitPim can import
the files fine if I change the file extension to ".vcs", but this is a
pain, and it refuses to touch ".ics" files. I'm new to both BitPim and
Python; any pointers on how to go about letting BitPim try to open both
file types (which file(s) to look in, maybe)? I'm assuming that this
is a trivial, or at least fairly simple, change; it seems like it ought
to be...

Adam Seering
2005-10-15 04:17:16 UTC
I use Apple's iCal heavily; I'm trying to use BitPim to sync my
calendars to my cellphone. iCal exports vCalendar files, except it
uses the file extension ".ics", instead of ".vcs". BitPim can import
the files fine if I change the file extension to ".vcs", but this is a
pain, and it refuses to touch ".ics" files. I'm new to both BitPim and
Python; any pointers on how to go about letting BitPim try to open both
file types (which file(s) to look in, maybe)? I'm assuming that this
is a trivial, or at least fairly simple, change; it seems like it ought
to be...

John Drago
2005-10-15 15:45:59 UTC

I would like to help with the development of BitPim. I'm not having
great success in getting the development environment setup on my
Powerbook. Although I don't have much experience with this Python /
wxPython environment, I do have a great deal of development
experience. I would appreciate any help in setting up a proper build
environment on OS/X 10.4.2.

I have removed the default version of Python and rebuilt from
source. That seems to be OK. My current issue is that I cannot seem
to get a proper version ( of wxPython installed correctly.
I assume that I am starting the build properly by going to the root
directory of the bitpim source, and typing 'python makedist.py'. I
get OK for the python version. I cannot get it to show any version
for wxPython.

Thank you,
John Drago
Joe Pham
2005-10-15 15:02:15 UTC
letting BitPim try to open both file types (which file(s) to look
in, maybe)?
Fair enough request, it'd be in the next release.

-Joe Pham

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John O'Shaughnessy
2005-10-15 16:08:26 UTC
-----Original Message-----
From: bitpim-devel-***@lists.sourceforge.net
[mailto:bitpim-devel-***@lists.sourceforge.net] On Behalf Of John Drago

I have removed the default version of Python and rebuilt from source. That
seems to be OK. My current issue is that I cannot seem to get a proper
version ( of wxPython installed correctly.
I assume that I am starting the build properly by going to the root
directory of the bitpim source, and typing 'python makedist.py'. I get OK
for the python version. I cannot get it to show any version for wxPython.



I too am having trouble with wxPython on Tiger. I had no problems with
Panther, so I'm not sure where the difference lies. I was able to use the
Apple supplied Python with no problems. I think wxPython is looking for
something in the wrong place.

You shouldn't need to "build" BitPim to run it. The makedist.py is only
needed (I think) if you intend to distribute the executables.

Can you run bitpim using "pythonw bp.py" from the command line?

John Drago
2005-10-15 16:33:45 UTC
Thank you John.

Oh there was one thing about wxPython that originally kept it from
building. In the Makefile, at least on my machine, the development
tools are in a difference place. I had to add '/Library' to the
beginning of the developer include path.
Then it built.

As for the running of bitpim, when I type 'python bp.py', I get a
similar message as when trying to build. Import error, no module
named wx.

Post by John O'Shaughnessy
-----Original Message-----
I have removed the default version of Python and rebuilt from
source. That
seems to be OK. My current issue is that I cannot seem to get a proper
version ( of wxPython installed correctly.
I assume that I am starting the build properly by going to the root
directory of the bitpim source, and typing 'python makedist.py'. I get OK
for the python version. I cannot get it to show any version for wxPython.
I too am having trouble with wxPython on Tiger. I had no problems with
Panther, so I'm not sure where the difference lies. I was able to use the
Apple supplied Python with no problems. I think wxPython is
looking for
something in the wrong place.
You shouldn't need to "build" BitPim to run it. The makedist.py is only
needed (I think) if you intend to distribute the executables.
Can you run bitpim using "pythonw bp.py" from the command line?
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