[BitPim-devel] LG Versa
Nathan Hjelm
2009-02-27 20:30:20 UTC
I am thinking about picking up an LG Versa on Sunday to start working on support. To avoid duplicate efforts I want to know if anyone else (bitpim developer) already has one to play with or is planning on purchasing one? If not I should have support ready by the end of the weekend.

Joe Pham
2009-02-28 21:22:45 UTC
Post by Nathan Hjelm
I want to know if anyone else (bitpim developer) already has one to
play with or is planning on purchasing one?
Not that I'm aware. I may get a loaner but not by this weekend, so go for it.

-Joe Pham

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Nathan Hjelm
2009-03-01 21:14:48 UTC
Added. As far as file formats go the Versa is identical to the Dare.

Post by Joe Pham
Post by Nathan Hjelm
I want to know if anyone else (bitpim developer) already has one to
play with or is planning on purchasing one?
Not that I'm aware. I may get a loaner but not by this weekend, so go for it.
-Joe Pham
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Nathan Hjelm
2009-03-03 04:53:47 UTC
Interesting, the Versa doesn't rewrite the ringtone index on each
boot. It appears the Versa only rebuilds the index if there is a
problem with the current index (trying to add a .m4a file triggers a
rebuild). This allows the old external ringer hack to work once more!

As an added bonus the phone can use mpeg4 ringtones that have a .mp4
extension (the .m4a doesn't work-- the audio files have to be
renamed). The Dare is also able to play mpeg4 tones so perhaps it is
time to add mpeg4 support to bitpim?

Post by Nathan Hjelm
Added. As far as file formats go the Versa is identical to the Dare.
Post by Joe Pham
Post by Nathan Hjelm
I want to know if anyone else (bitpim developer) already has one to
play with or is planning on purchasing one?
Not that I'm aware. I may get a loaner but not by this weekend, so go for it.
-Joe Pham
Be there without being there. Click now for great video conferencing solutions!
Open Source Business Conference (OSBC), March 24-25, 2009, San
Francisco, CA
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