[BitPim-devel] 8100/9800 calendar alarm bug
Simon C
2006-02-12 04:55:49 UTC

With alarms disabled on an event the calendar entry still shows an "alarm
bell" icon next to the event in the calendar on the phone. This can be
removed by setting the ringtone to "No Ring", I think this is a phone bug
(it should only show the icon if the alarm is really enabled).
I don't think it makes any different to whether the alarm sounds or not, but
it is confusing to users, do you think it is worth adding a hack to set the
ringtone to "No Ring" when the alarm is disbabled? The downside to this is
that if the user imports the calendar back to bitpim it will have a "no
ring" ringtone and enabling an alarm will required the user to know that
they have to change the ringtone as well. The option here would be to
change the ringtone from No ring to something else if the alarm was enabled.

What do you think, I have half a mind to put a note in the help and leave it
like that, but the fix is not too hard to do and will help users slightly,
also if a fix is the best option should we override the user when they
choose options that don't make sense.

Joe Pham
2006-02-12 05:47:44 UTC
Post by Simon C
With alarms disabled on an event the calendar entry still shows
an "alarm bell" icon next to the event in the calendar on the phone.
This can be removed by setting the ringtone to "No Ring", I think
this is a phone bug
I verified similar behaviour on the 9800(V2), and I don't think it's a phone bug, and more of they way it works. VX8100/9800 BitPim can better accommodate this behaviour by setting the default ringtone to 'No Ring' if the alarm is disabled and to 'Low Beep Once' otherwise. If users set their own ringtones, those would then override the default one independent of the alarm settings (which is how the 8100/9800 works now). Users would get the same behaviour if they set these parameters manually on the phone.

-Joe Pham

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Simon C
2006-02-12 05:58:31 UTC
Post by Simon C
Post by Simon C
With alarms disabled on an event the calendar entry still shows an
"alarm bell" icon next to the event in the calendar on the phone.
This can be removed by setting the ringtone to "No Ring", I
think this
Post by Simon C
is a phone bug
I verified similar behaviour on the 9800(V2), and I don't
think it's a phone bug, and more of they way it works.
VX8100/9800 BitPim can better accommodate this behaviour by
setting the default ringtone to 'No Ring' if the alarm is
disabled and to 'Low Beep Once' otherwise. If users set
their own ringtones, those would then override the default
one independent of the alarm settings (which is how the
8100/9800 works now). Users would get the same behaviour if
they set these parameters manually on the phone.
Ok, I'l change the code to set 'no ring' if alarms are diabled and 'low beep
once' if the alarm is enabled and 'no ring'tone has been selected.

Joe Pham
2006-02-12 06:04:51 UTC
'low beep once' if the alarm is enabled and 'no ring'tone has been
Users should be able to enable alarm, set No Ring, and turn on vibrate.

-Joe Pham

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