[BitPim-devel] First draft of cvs 2 svn conversion
Roger Binns
2006-02-28 07:44:39 UTC
Put the shell script in a directory by itself. You'll need
to have rcs and subversion installed. At the end of the
run, it runs svnserve on port 1234. I suggest using
TortoiseSVN repo browser from a windows box pointed at


When we do the changeover, the CVS repository will still be
maintained by SourceForge so there isn't that much point
in also bringing all the tags etc over, or a lot of other
historical baggage (eg the modified version of paramiko that
was used for a while).

I still need to remove more gunk, particularly items that
got moved from one place to another (eg webhelp). That
involves going through the Attics and seeing what isn't
used any more.

Something also worth considering is moving all the phone
code (com_*, p_*) to a subdirectory. This migration may
be the best time to pretend that things were always done
that way :-)

Joe Pham
2006-03-01 03:16:22 UTC
Something also worth considering is moving all the phone code
(com_*, p_*) to a subdirectory.
How about something like:

vx4400,vx8100, ..

or just:


-Joe Pham

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Roger Binns
2006-03-01 03:53:59 UTC
Either a hierarchy or a flat space will work. The
flat space requires modifying one line. The hierarchy
requires changing all files that import another to use
a full pathname to the referenced modules.

Simon C
2006-03-01 07:42:11 UTC
Either a hierarchy or a flat space will work. The flat space
requires modifying one line. The hierarchy requires changing
all files that import another to use a full pathname to the
referenced modules.
Full pathnames could be ugly given that we all have different development
environments, if it could work with relative it would be OK.

Roger Binns
2006-03-01 17:08:36 UTC
Post by Simon C
Full pathnames could be ugly given that we all have different development
environments, if it could work with relative it would be OK.
They would be full relative to the top of the project. For example if
the layout looked like this:


If phone2 wants to reference phone1 then it would have to:

import phones.lg.phone1 as phone1

(Today it just does 'import phone1')

I was thinking we could actually do a bigger reorganization
of the files:

src (move all source code into this)

We also currently have unixpkg and winpkg directories. I want to move
all the build/release stuff into a seperate part of the tree like what
happened with the helpblocks to web conversion, and make it more generic.
It will reappear back here as an external named something like

Joe Pham
2006-03-02 00:05:11 UTC
Post by Roger Binns
Either a hierarchy or a flat space will work.
I went with the flat space setup. I tested out with a few phones I have and they seemd to work OK. If you all have a chance, please do a quick test to make sure your phones still work as before.
Post by Roger Binns
I was thinking we could actually do a bigger reorganization of the
src (move all source code into this)
I think 'help' should go under 'src', and 'resources' back to the main level.

-Joe Pham

Call Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere in the World - FREE!
Free Internet calling from NetZero Voice
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Roger Binns
2006-03-02 01:52:11 UTC
Post by Joe Pham
I think 'help' should go under 'src',
In theory the help may be translated in the future etc.
It is rarely under the source for most other open source
projects as far as I remember but I'll go around having
a look.
Post by Joe Pham
'resources' back to the main level.
That has various issues based on how the code finds
the directory. The easiest is to have it in the
same directory as the code.

