[Bitpim-devel] VX7000 plot thickens
Roger Binns
2004-09-19 22:09:57 UTC
So this phone like the other LGs has space for 5 phone numbers.
The actual protocol has one byte indicating the type of each
number field.

Previous LG phones supported up to 10 different types. This
one only supports 5 type (yes, I did try sending it others :-)
[Technically there is a 6th type which is equivalent to a blank

The phone's UI will only let you have one of each type. However
via the protocol I can have as many as I want. For example the
UI only shows one 'Fax' field, but I can make all 5 numbers be
'Fax' via the protocol.

The fun thing is that the phone will show you that all numbers
are whatever it was set to, but the UI will only let you edit
things with the original one field per type.

So the choice I have is to either make the data on the phone
represent what the user has in BitPim although you may have
some difficulty editing the values on the phone itself (you
will see them in the 'View contact' screen, but not in the
'Edit contact' screen).

Or I can make BitPim dumb down what is sent so that it is
constrained to what can be editted on the phone. I am leaning
towards the former. If I implement the former, then users
who only get the data from their phone won't notice any
difference anyway. If you also get your data from elsewhere
then it will be available to you on the phone.

Roger Binns
2004-09-20 05:48:47 UTC
BitPim should now correctly read the phonebook, wallpapers and
ringtones. The calendar probably also works although I haven't
tried it.

You can write the phonebook, but only if your phonenumbers are
constrained to the types the phone supports. No writing of
wallpapers and ringtones yet.

If anyone is bored, see if you can work out the following:

- size of wallpaper images (120x160 is fullscreen, 640x480
is camera). What is normal screen size?

- The phone keeps track of the total space used by the
wallpaper, ringtone and video files. Is there a limit
on this? (Basically why is it keeping track).

- How many wallpapers/ringtones etc are you allowed to
have? (The index file can be expanded to almost any

Douglas Moon
2004-09-20 17:53:42 UTC
Post by Roger Binns
- size of wallpaper images (120x160 is fullscreen, 640x480
is camera). What is normal screen size?
What I have done with my phone, to hold me over until I actually got
creative enough to make some wallpaper images, is I have a placeholder
inside and outside image (they are different resolutions). They are
just white jpg files with a one pixel color border, since I wanted to
make sure I had gotten the sizes right. There appears to be no scaling,
and the whole border does show up.

inside.jpg: 176 x 184 pixels
outside.jpg: 96 x 80 pixels

I originally got these numbers off of a post on
http://www.howardforums.com/ shortly after I got the phone (this is
also where I learned of BitPim). One of my co-workers who also has a
vx7000 has been using thumbnail jpgs from wallpaper sites (some at 300
x 225, some at 320 x 240) and they scale on the phone nicely, just
trimming some of the sides off essentially).

As far as the camera images, you can set the camera to take at 640x480,
320x240, 176x144, or 160x120, in case you hadn't figured that out yet.
Granted, I usually just leave it at 640x480, but you shouldn't assume
everyone will. :)

Any more information you need? :)

Douglas Moon
2004-09-20 18:36:31 UTC
Also, when I do a "get phone data" with the code as of this am, the
phonebook stuff comes over fine (i wouldn't know about calendar because
i don't really use the feature on my phone), but when I try to get
either ringtones or wallpapers, I get an exception. Attached are the
protocol logs: ringtones-protocol.log is from getting ringtones by
themselves, and wallpapers-protocol.log is from getting wallpapers by
themselves. If you need more info about what I actually have on my
phone, I'll be happy to oblige you with, say, a backup file of the
dload directory.

Roger Binns
2004-09-20 19:40:42 UTC
Post by Douglas Moon
Also, when I do a "get phone data" with the code as of this am, the
phonebook stuff comes over fine (i wouldn't know about calendar because
i don't really use the feature on my phone), but when I try to get
either ringtones or wallpapers, I get an exception. Attached are the
Your code is not up to date. I recommend subscribing to the
bitpim-cvs-checkins mailing list and then you can use that to
compare with what the anonymous cvs server gives you, or apply
the patches directly from that list.

Douglas Moon
2004-09-20 20:57:45 UTC
Post by Roger Binns
Post by Douglas Moon
Also, when I do a "get phone data" with the code as of this am, the
phonebook stuff comes over fine (i wouldn't know about calendar because
i don't really use the feature on my phone), but when I try to get
either ringtones or wallpapers, I get an exception. Attached are the
Your code is not up to date. I recommend subscribing to the
bitpim-cvs-checkins mailing list and then you can use that to
compare with what the anonymous cvs server gives you, or apply
the patches directly from that list.
Okay, I may do that. I did an update this morning about 9:30am, (can't
do updates at work due to the firewall), and i will certainly recheck
things when I get home. I was hoping to avoid the potential
overwhelming traffic of a cvs-checkin type list, but I suppose this
sort of situation points out the use of it. :) If nothing else, I will
try to restrain my testing in the future to when I can make sure I'm up
to date with the cvs server.

Derrick 'dman' Hudson
2004-09-20 22:39:08 UTC
On Mon, Sep 20, 2004 at 04:57:45PM -0400, Douglas Moon wrote:
| On Sep 20, 2004, at 3:40 PM, Roger Binns wrote:
| >Douglas Moon wrote:
| >> with the code as of this am,
| >Your code is not up to date. I recommend subscribing to the
| >bitpim-cvs-checkins mailing list and then you can use that to
| >compare with what the anonymous cvs server gives you, or apply
| >the patches directly from that list.

| Okay, I may do that. I did an update this morning about 9:30am, (can't
| do updates at work due to the firewall), and i will certainly recheck
| things when I get home. I was hoping to avoid the potential
| overwhelming traffic of a cvs-checkin type list, but I suppose this
| sort of situation points out the use of it. :) If nothing else, I will
| try to restrain my testing in the future to when I can make sure I'm up
| to date with the cvs server.

The problem is SourceForge's anonymous cvs is delayed by 24 hours.
Their main system is overloaded, so they moved the anonymous stuff to
another system that is synched nightly. Since Roger committed the
code this morning, you (and I) won't have direct (cvs) access to it
until tomorrow.

If I receive a message from you, you are agreeing that:
1. I am by definition, "the intended recipient"
2. All information in the email is mine to do with as I see fit and make
such financial profit, political mileage, or good joke as it lends
itself to. In particular, I may quote it on USENET or the WWW.
3. I may take the contents as representing the views of your company.
4. This overrides any disclaimer or statement of confidentiality that may
be included on your message

www: http://dman13.dyndns.org/~dman/ jabber: ***@dman13.dyndns.org
Roger Binns
2004-09-21 04:22:46 UTC
Post by Derrick 'dman' Hudson
The problem is SourceForge's anonymous cvs is delayed by 24 hours.
They claim to sync every 5 hours. You can view the site
status from the main www.sourceforge.net page (look on the left
in the "SF.net Resources" box. See the message for 2003-11-11
which is when they changed the anonymous syncing.
Post by Derrick 'dman' Hudson
Since Roger committed the code this morning,
Actually I committed it last night - around 10pm Pacific time.
It seems like the SF servers also operate in Pacific.

Mike Schiraldi
2004-09-21 23:40:56 UTC
After doing an cvs up about ten minutes ago, i'm thrilled to say i was able
to download my phonebook, edit it, and sync it back up. However, when trying
to send wallpaper back to my phone, i got an exception here.

Oh, and i'm now subscribed to the cvs list, so i won't have to wonder
anymore if i'm missing updates.

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/src/bitpim/gui.py", line 150, in run
File "/usr/src/bitpim/gui.py", line 90, in __call__
return apply(self.method, self.args+args, d)
File "/usr/src/bitpim/gui.py", line 1159, in senddata
apply(func, args)
File "/usr/src/bitpim/gui.py", line 1166, in writewallpaper
return self.commphone.savewallpapers(data, merge)
File "/usr/src/bitpim/com_lgvx4400.py", line 528, in savewallpapers
return self.savemedia('wallpapers', 'wallpaper-index', self.imagelocations, results, merge, self.getwallpaperindices)
File "/usr/src/bitpim/com_lg.py", line 261, in savemedia
if wpi[k]['origin']=='builtin':
KeyError: 'origin'

com_lgvx4400.py? I definitely have 7000 selected.
Roger Binns
2004-09-21 04:18:45 UTC
I was hoping to avoid the potential overwhelming traffic of
a cvs-checkin type list,
There isn't *that* much traffic on the cvs list as it bunches together
each commit. Also you can do what I (and I assume most people) do
which is have filters that direct incoming messages to various
folders. All the BitPim lists have the list name in square brackets
in the subject line.

Roger Binns
2004-09-21 04:24:58 UTC
since I wanted to make sure I had gotten the sizes right.
There appears to be no scaling, and the whole border
does show up.
inside.jpg: 176 x 184 pixels
outside.jpg: 96 x 80 pixels
The phone definitely scales images no matter what size they are.
I think almost any image that has the same aspect ratio will
look fine, but we need to know the exact right one.

Douglas Moon
2004-09-21 12:13:11 UTC
Post by Roger Binns
since I wanted to make sure I had gotten the sizes right. There
appears to be no scaling, and the whole border does show up.
inside.jpg: 176 x 184 pixels
outside.jpg: 96 x 80 pixels
The phone definitely scales images no matter what size they are.
I think almost any image that has the same aspect ratio will
look fine, but we need to know the exact right one.
Well, if they are the right size, wouldn't they not scale? I mean, I
understand that every "other" size may scale, but if it's the exact
right size then surely it would just display pixel for pixel, right?

Maybe I'll try making an extremely silly-looking grid-pattern image and
uploading that at various sizes and inspecting visually for any scaling
artifacts (i.e. an image with every other line a visibly different
color, and then looking really close at the screen when it loads to
make sure all the lines are actually there and not blurred into the
line next to them, which is the sort of thing you would get if there
was scaling, correct?)

Mike Schiraldi
2004-09-22 00:08:38 UTC
No writing of wallpapers and ringtones yet.
Sorry, i just realized i'd missed this part.
