[BitPim-devel] Screenshots: Create new bitpim storage wizard
Joe Pham
2007-01-28 21:04:39 UTC
Wizard that helps users to create a new BitPim storage area. The
idea has been discussed extensively in another thread.

-Joe Pham

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·· ħþø ··
2007-01-29 02:09:02 UTC
Post by Joe Pham
Wizard that helps users to create a new BitPim storage area. The
idea has been discussed extensively in another thread.
-Joe Pham
Looks good, no suggestions here.
Roger Binns
2007-01-29 02:55:46 UTC
Post by Joe Pham
Wizard that helps users to create a new BitPim storage area. The
idea has been discussed extensively in another thread.
Make the window wider so that long pathnames aren't truncated. The
shortcut text should be "*on* your desktop" and *in* your start menu".
And you'll still likely have to walk some people through this :-)

There is also the current peril that someone might start up multiple
instances of BitPim using the same storage area.

·· ħþø ··
2007-01-31 04:03:37 UTC
Post by Roger Binns
There is also the current peril that someone might start up multiple
instances of BitPim using the same storage area.
What's the feasibility of a read/write lock on the db?
Roger Binns
2007-01-31 04:18:21 UTC
Post by ·· ħþø ··
Post by Roger Binns
There is also the current peril that someone might start up multiple
instances of BitPim using the same storage area.
What's the feasibility of a read/write lock on the db?
It would need to be on the whole directory structure, not just the
database. I haven't looked into the feasibility on the various
operating systems.

·· ħþø ··
2007-01-31 04:26:08 UTC
Post by Roger Binns
It would need to be on the whole directory structure, not just the
database. I haven't looked into the feasibility on the various
operating systems.
Well, even if you read-lock just the DB, couldn't a bit of a code in the
BitPim startup routine catch that lock and inform the user that the
profile (proper term for it?) is already in use. If I'm off-base, tell
me; I'm just throwing ideas out there.
Roger Binns
2007-01-31 04:37:30 UTC
Post by ·· ħþø ··
Well, even if you read-lock just the DB,
That would most likely screw up SQLite since it also does its own
locking, but tries to not have the database open. It has no idea that
no other thread or process will try to access the db.
Post by ·· ħþø ··
BitPim startup routine catch that lock and inform the user that the
profile (proper term for it?) is already in use. If I'm off-base, tell
me; I'm just throwing ideas out there.
The general gist is right. There are just devils in the details. There
is no reason a dummy lockfile couldn't be created and that used instead
which should work under all circumstances, and be released should the
program crash. There appear to be posix module (Mac, Linux) and msvcrt
module (Windows) functions that may do the trick.

Joe Pham
2007-02-01 23:36:49 UTC
Post by Roger Binns
Make the window wider so that long pathnames aren't truncated.
I'm pondering that.
Post by Roger Binns
And you'll still likely have to walk some people through this :-)
I really hope not.
Post by Roger Binns
There appear to be posix module (Mac, Linux) and msvcrt module
(Windows) functions that may do the trick.
Can anyone verify fcntl.lockf is available on the Mac?

-Joe Pham

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Sean Burke
2007-02-02 00:45:23 UTC
Can anyone verify fcntl.lockf is available on the Mac?

I can verify it if you send me a test script. (My python is so
rudimentary that it borders on offensive.)

I heard someone ask Roger for build instructions for OS X. Is that
documented? Maybe we can slap together a quick build script.

Sean Patrick Burke
Imaging Analysis Specialist
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Yeshiva University
Joe Pham
2007-02-02 02:56:44 UTC
Post by Sean Burke
I can verify it if you send me a test script.
One quick way to try it out:
Start a Python shell and type in the following and capture the output:

import fcntl
Post by Sean Burke
I heard someone ask Roger for build instructions for OS X. Is that
documented? Maybe we can slap together a quick build script.
If the Mac build scripts are anything like the Windows and Linux
ones, Roger's build scripts are 99.99% automated. The trick is to
have the right hardware and software parts. Personally, I don't have
access to a Mac (though I'm somewhat interested in a MacBook myself,
just want to make sure that I can also boot to either Windows or

-Joe Pham

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Allen Hancock
2007-02-02 03:43:04 UTC
Post by Joe Pham
If the Mac build scripts are anything like the Windows and Linux
ones, Roger's build scripts are 99.99% automated. The trick is to
have the right hardware and software parts. Personally, I don't have
access to a Mac (though I'm somewhat interested in a MacBook myself,
just want to make sure that I can also boot to either Windows or
I can get you a sweet deal on a macbook, if that is what it would
take ;-)

But seriously, if there were better notes, I could step up.

-Allen Hancock
John O'Shaughnessy
2007-02-02 03:44:45 UTC
It appears to be there:

Last login: Tue Jan 23 09:14:59 on ttyp1
Welcome to Darwin!
aladdin:~ osh$ python
Python 2.3.5 (#1, Mar 20 2005, 20:38:20)
[GCC 3.3 20030304 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 1809)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
Post by Joe Pham
Post by Sean Burke
Post by Joe Pham
import fcntl
<built-in function lockf>
This is from Mac OS X 10.4.8

Post by Joe Pham
Post by Sean Burke
I can verify it if you send me a test script.
import fcntl
Post by Sean Burke
I heard someone ask Roger for build instructions for OS X. Is that
documented? Maybe we can slap together a quick build script.
If the Mac build scripts are anything like the Windows and Linux
ones, Roger's build scripts are 99.99% automated. The trick is to
have the right hardware and software parts. Personally, I don't have
access to a Mac (though I'm somewhat interested in a MacBook myself,
just want to make sure that I can also boot to either Windows or
I've got a MacBook Pro. It is a great Mac, and also a great Windows
machine. 98% of any Windows work I do I use the Parallels
virtualization, but for some items, I reboot into Windows XP, and it
runs very well.

Sean Burke
2007-02-02 12:47:24 UTC
One quick way to try it out:
Start a Python shell and type in the following and capture the output:

import fcntl

Python 2.4.4 (#1, Oct 18 2006, 10:34:39)
[GCC 4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 5341)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
Post by Joe Pham
Post by Joe Pham
import fcntl
<built-in function lockf>

Looks good!
Post by Joe Pham
If the Mac build scripts are anything like the Windows and Linux
ones, Roger's build scripts are 99.99% automated. The trick is to
have the right hardware and software parts.
I have a Powerbook G4, I'm sure that someone on the list has a MacBook.
I have no direct user experience myself, however I have seen a MacBook
booted into XP (no complaints). There are also a few reviews out there
for Vista
and Gentoo (http://www.mactel-linux.org/wiki/Main_Page).
Post by Joe Pham
Personally, I don't have
access to a Mac (though I'm somewhat interested in a MacBook myself,
just want to make sure that I can also boot to either Windows or
Come to the Dark Side. IT... IS... YOUR... DESTINY!

Sean Patrick Burke
Imaging Analysis Specialist
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Yeshiva University
Joe Pham
2007-02-02 05:00:58 UTC
Great. Thanks for trying.
Post by John O'Shaughnessy
I've got a MacBook Pro. It is a great Mac, and also a great
Windows machine.
I also heard good thing about it, but it's a tad too rich for my

-Joe Pham

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Joe Pham
2007-02-02 05:02:10 UTC
Post by Allen Hancock
if there were better notes, I could step up.
You can always give it a try.

-Joe Pham

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