[Bitpim-devel] 0.7.14 available
Roger Binns
2004-07-08 03:57:54 UTC

I have uploaded the Windows, Linux and Mac builds. Please test and
post any issues here. The main announcement will go out tomorrow.

Full list of changes is at

I am not too certain of the Linux build which seems to misbehave on
my Gentoo box. Also Linux now uses cx-Freeze 3 which may affect
things in some wierd way. Any good or bad experience with the Linux
build will be appreciated.

Stephen Wood
2004-07-08 16:19:06 UTC
I got someone to test the code for the Bell Canada version of the
SCP-8100. Reading the phonebook works, but writing the phonebook
doesn't work and calendar read/write doesn't work. I think it is just a
matter of tuning up the packet definitions. If I make the changes this
evening, can they be incorporated into 0.7.14 before it is announced?

Roger Binns
2004-07-08 17:01:43 UTC
Post by Stephen Wood
I got someone to test the code for the Bell Canada version of the
SCP-8100. Reading the phonebook works, but writing the phonebook
doesn't work and calendar read/write doesn't work. I think it is just a
matter of tuning up the packet definitions. If I make the changes this
evening, can they be incorporated into 0.7.14 before it is announced?
That will require rebuilds on all 3 platforms, which I would rather
not do. I may have to rebuild the Linux build if there is a threading
issue due to the new version of cx-freeze.

If it is important we could do the next build a little earlier than

