[Bitpim-devel] more files found and read on Sanyo 8100
2004-02-26 03:14:17 UTC
Well, another day, more progress. I found that the fa0971 command is like a
"change working dir" command. If I use a different number at offset 178, and
read out the count using fa0972, I get different numbers. If read the
filenames after the count, I got different files. Using 01 gets camera pics.
02 gets vision downloads, so anything you download through the phone WAP
browser goes there, pics, ringers, and J2ME programs. The gcd/jad and the file
itself is stored. 03 gets me pictures I've sent to my phone with the "other"
program that my friend bought. I don't have any ringers sent to my phone, so
I'll hop over to my friend's and sent a ringtone over, and see if there is a
directory number 4, or if everything in the phone's pc sync folder. Here is
the updated packet descriptions:
PACKET sanyochangedir:
* sanyomediaheader {'command': 0x09, 'subcommand': 0x0071} +header
2 UINT {'constant': 0xffff} +word
170 UNKNOWN +pad
1 UINT dirindex
1 UINT {'constant': 0x00} +dunno2

PACKET sanyoinitcampicread:
*sanyochangedir {'dirindex': 0x01} +command

PACKET sanyoinitvisiondlsread:
*sanyochangedir {'dirindex': 0x02} +command

PACKET sanyoinitpcsyncread:
*sanyochangedir {'dirindex': 0x03} +command

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Stephen Wood
2004-02-26 04:37:07 UTC
Post by bfaye
Well, another day, more progress.
This is nice! This means that is likely that full Bitpim support can be
developed for for the 8100 and later Sanyo phones. I'll have to see if
your methods can lead to downloading videos from the SCP-5500.
