[Bitpim-devel] LGVX 4500 Support
Roger Skildum
2004-04-28 20:26:47 UTC
I Finally got around to subscribing to the developers list so i will move here to try to help with support for the LG 4500. Unfortunately the only working copy of BitPim I have currently is at work so have to try to do what ever testing I can do there when I get a chance. I will post a separate post asking for guidance in getting my developers version of BitPim running on Linux which I use at home.

You were correct, not that I doubted you, about the fields in the phone book not being in the correct places. I normally just use name and number and that seems to be transfered and displayed OK. I did notice that when I put in more data some of it ended up in the wrong spot.

When I tried to use the calendar I got much different response. If I tried to get phone data I got a error that I will add to the bottom of this. If I put data into BitPim and then try to send it to the phone I did not get any errors but it would erase any saved appointments I had in the phone, Not good. Here is the error I get when trying to get calendar phone data:

An unexpected exception has occurred.
Please see the help for details on what to do.

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "gui.pyo", line 153, in run
File "gui.pyo", line 92, in __call__
File "gui.pyo", line 1094, in getdata
File "com_lgvx4400.pyo", line 340, in getcalendar
File "p_lgvx4400.pyo", line 2096, in readfrombuffer
File "prototypes.pyo", line 585, in readfrombuffer
File "p_lgvx4400.pyo", line 1840, in readfrombuffer
File "prototypes.pyo", line 188, in readfrombuffer
File "prototypes.pyo", line 764, in getnextbyte
IndexError: trying to read one byte beyond end of 258 byte buffer

Variables by last 8 frames, innermost last

Frame __call__ in gui.pyo at line 92
self = <gui.Request instance at 0x01F74710>
args = ()
d = {}
kwargs = {}

Frame getdata in gui.pyo at line 1094
count = 1
i = (<bound method GetPhoneDialog.GetCalendarSetting of <guiwidg
self = <WorkerThread(BitPim helper, started daemon)>
req = <guiwidgets.GetPhoneDialog instance; proxy of C++ wxDialog i
willcall = [(<bound method GetPhoneDialog.GetCalendarSetting of <guiwid
results = {'sync': {'calendar': 'OVERWRITE'}, 'wallpaper-index': {1: {
sync = {'calendar': 'OVERWRITE'}
st = 0

Frame getcalendar in com_lgvx4400.pyo at line 367
res = {}
self = <com_lgvx4500.Phone instance at 0x01F71418>
sc = <p_lgvx4400.schedulefile object at 0x01F41290>
result = {'sync': {'calendar': 'OVERWRITE'}, 'wallpaper-index': {1: {
exceptions = {}
buf = <prototypes.buffer instance at 0x01F71DC8>
ex = <p_lgvx4400.scheduleexceptionfile object at 0x01F35A70>

Frame readfrombuffer in p_lgvx4400.pyo at line 2096
buf = <prototypes.buffer instance at 0x01F71DC8>
self = <p_lgvx4400.schedulefile object at 0x01F41290>
dict = {'elementclass': <class 'p_lgvx4400.scheduleevent'>}

Frame readfrombuffer in prototypes.pyo at line 585
x = <p_lgvx4400.scheduleevent object at 0x01F77E10>
self = <prototypes.LIST object at 0x01F76BB0>
buf = <prototypes.buffer instance at 0x01F71DC8>

Frame readfrombuffer in p_lgvx4400.pyo at line 1840
buf = <prototypes.buffer instance at 0x01F71DC8>
self = <p_lgvx4400.scheduleevent object at 0x01F77E10>
dict = {'sizeinbytes': 1}

Frame readfrombuffer in prototypes.pyo at line 188
shift = 0
self = <prototypes.UINTlsb object at 0x01F77F50>
dummy = 0
buf = <prototypes.buffer instance at 0x01F71DC8>
res = 0

Frame getnextbyte in prototypes.pyo at line 764
self = <prototypes.buffer instance at 0x01F71DC8>
Roger Binns
2004-04-28 20:49:26 UTC
Post by Roger Skildum
I did notice that when I put in more data some of it ended
up in the wrong spot.
The easiest thing to do is make a new phonebook entry and fill out
every single field to the maximum length it allows. That does
get a little tedious on the phone interface, but has to be done :-)
Post by Roger Skildum
When I tried to use the calendar I got much different response. If I
tried to get phone data I got a error that I will add to
the bottom of this.
They have changed the field sizes for the calendar as well. You
will need to do the same thing - make an entry with the maximum
length for each field and then have a look at it.
Post by Roger Skildum
If I put data into BitPim and then try to send it to the phone I
did not get any errors but it would erase
any saved appointments I had in the phone,
Yes, that is because it replaces the calendar file. You won't get
errors no matter what you replace it with, but the phone will have
a different opinion when it later reads from the file.

