[Bitpim-devel] problems with bell mobility
Bassam El-Khoury
2004-07-10 16:51:54 UTC

I lier in Montreal Quebec and I'm with Bell
Mobility, My cell is "Sanyo SCP 8100".

Problem :

I was hoping that in the new release 0.7.14 of
BitPim it will work with bell but it seams that the
problems are the same I can't read the phone book I
can't upload nothing (pictures or rigtones) but I can
read the ringtones and the pictures. for another
option I used SnapMedia 1.6 and I was able to upload
but nothing appear in my download menu on the cel, and
when I read from the cell with bitpim it reads what I
uploaded, so the files are in the cell but doesen't
show anywhere. anyway my question is, r u working on
Bell Mobility issues??? and will work in the near
fututre?? I would be happy to be a tester for ur
project in Montreal. as for thge phone book it gives
this error :

An unexpected exception has occurred.
Please see the help for details on what to do.

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "gui.pyo", line 152, in run
File "gui.pyo", line 92, in __call__
File "gui.pyo", line 1150, in getdata
File "com_sanyo.pyo", line 323, in getphonebook
File "com_sanyo.pyo", line 137, in getsanyobuffer
File "com_sanyo.pyo", line 253, in sendpbcommand
SanyoCommandException: Sanyo Packet Error 0x13

Variables by last 8 frames, innermost last

Frame __bootstrap in threading.pyo at line 436
self = <WorkerThread(BitPim helper,
started daemon)>

Frame run in gui.pyo at line 145
e = <com_sanyo.SanyoCommandException
instance at 0x01C9AEE0>
res = None
self = <WorkerThread(BitPim helper,
started daemon)>
item = (<gui.Request instance at
0x01C96260>, <gui.Callback instance at 0x01C965D0>)
call = <gui.Request instance at
ex = <com_sanyo.SanyoCommandException
instance at 0x01C9AEE0>
resultcb = <gui.Callback instance at
first = 0

Frame __call__ in gui.pyo at line 92
self = <gui.Request instance at
args = ()
d = {}
kwargs = {}

Frame getdata in gui.pyo at line 1150
count = 1
i = (<bound method
GetPhoneDialog.GetPhoneBookSetting of
self = <WorkerThread(BitPim helper,
started daemon)>
req = <guiwidgets.GetPhoneDialog
instance; proxy of C++ wxDialog instance at _17b95f8_
willcall = [(<bound method
GetPhoneDialog.GetPhoneBookSetting of
results = {'sync': {'phonebook':
'OVERWRITE'}, 'wallpaper-index': {153: {'origin':
sync = {'phonebook': 'OVERWRITE'}
st = 0

Frame getphonebook in com_sanyo.pyo at line 323
pbook = {}
result = {'sync': {'phonebook':
'OVERWRITE'}, 'wallpaper-index': {153: {'origin':
self = <com_sanyo8100.Phone instance at

Frame getsanyobuffer in com_sanyo.pyo at line 137
responseclass = <class 'p_sanyo.pbsortbuffer'>
bufp = 0
self = <com_sanyo8100.Phone instance at
req = <p_sanyo.bufferpartrequest object
at 0x01C63DD0>
bufres = <p_sanyo.pbsortbuffer object at
command = 60
offset = 0
buffersize = 4000
data = <cStringIO.StringO object at
desc = 'Reading sort buffer'

Frame sendpbcommand in com_sanyo.pyo at line 253
numsendretry = 0
isendretry = 0
origdata =
trydata =
d = 1
responseclass = <class
writemode = False
i = 0
res = <p_sanyo.bufferpartresponse object
at 0x01C63C70>
callsetmode = True
returnerror = False
firsttwo = '\r<'
request = <p_sanyo.bufferpartrequest object
at 0x01C63DD0>
crc = 'H\x0f'
buffer = <prototypes.buffer instance at
rdata =
data =
self = <com_sanyo8100.Phone instance at
numretry = 0
crcok = True

Do you Yahoo!?
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Stephen Wood
2004-07-10 19:32:17 UTC
Post by Bassam El-Khoury
I lier in Montreal Quebec and I'm with Bell
Mobility, My cell is "Sanyo SCP 8100".
... anyway my question is, r u working on
Bell Mobility issues??? and will work in the near
See http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.mobile.bitpim.user/951 for a
discussion of the Bell version of the 8100.
