[BitPim-devel] calender tab change
Simon C
2005-09-29 09:00:24 UTC

Around the right and bottom edge of the calender control is a section of
unpainted screen that causes garbage to be displayed, it is more noticable
when bitpim is resized. I suspect this is due to the growable columns and
rows in the control not exactly filling the available space in the frame.
I've made a small change to the calender object to paint this area so it
looks a little better.
Code attached with diffs.


Joe Pham
2005-09-30 02:26:43 UTC
Post by Simon C
Around the right and bottom edge of the calender control is a
section of unpainted screen that causes garbage to be displayed,
Thanks for reporting the problem, which has been corrected.

-Joe Pham

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