[BitPim-devel] vcal commits
Roger Binns
2005-02-01 03:21:05 UTC

There are a few issues with your commits. Whatever CVS client you are
using is not correctly dealing with end of lines. It should be converting
the end of lines it sends to the CVS server to be UNIX/C style (ie
\n not \r\n or \r). On Windows I use the command line cvs client
together with plink/pageant from Putty for the SSH stuff. That
combination definitely gets things correct. Let me know if you want
more details on how to get it working.

Also the license for vcal.py won't work with BitPim unless you get
permission from them. The BitPim license is the GPL, but with an
exception allowing linking against OpenSSL. For us to get stuff
from other parties, they also have to allow that OpenSSL linking
exception. OpenSSL is actually GPL compliant, except for one
clause that requires mentioning stuff in your doc (aka an "advertising"
clause). The main author of OpenSSL now works for Verisign and
to my knowledge won't retract the clause, so GPL projects have to
either not use OpenSSL or have the exception.

And then on top of that vcal.py isn't needed. Use vcard.py which
already has all the parsing logic, and deals with all the issues
out there for how various programs don't format things exactly
correctly. Examples of some issues are character set encoding
for fields, encoding of the whole file, incorrectly doing continuations,
and many other things.

Let us know if you can fix this this evening. If not, I'll disable
it for the build.

2005-02-01 03:47:23 UTC
Whatever CVS client you are using is not correctly dealing with end >of lines.
I've been using cygwin cvs as the client and I'll look into the Windows one. I've been checking files in and out and haven't noticed the problem, I guess you've been correcting them behind the scence. Thanks :-)
The BitPim license is the GPL, but with an exception allowing linking >against OpenSSL.
And I thought GPL is GPL :-) Thanks for the info. I assume this is true for all open source stuff we may consider for inclusion into BITPIM.
And then on top of that vcal.py isn't needed. Use vcard.py which ?>already has all the parsing logic, and deals with all the issues out >there for how various programs don't format things exactly correctly.
When I was looking into it, I didn't know any better at the time, before realizing the general syntax for the v???? stuff. I'll use the vcard package instead.
Let us know if you can fix this this evening. If not, I'll disable >it for the build.
I'd like to do some more testing on it, so please back it out for this build.

-Joe Pham

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Roger Binns
2005-02-01 05:14:03 UTC
Post by d***@netzero.com
I've been using cygwin cvs as the client and I'll look into the Windows one.
cygwin does all sorts of stuff behind the scenes to try to ensure that files
are in Windows format for Windows programs and Unix format for cygwin programs.
Post by d***@netzero.com
I've been checking files in and out and haven't noticed the problem,
It won't screw up existing files since they already have the EOL set.
It is only new files which presumably you are editing with a Windows
EOL style editor.
Post by d***@netzero.com
I guess you've been correcting them behind the scence. Thanks :-)
Yup :-)

Post by d***@netzero.com
And I thought GPL is GPL :-)
It is. The original license I used for BitPim was the Artistic License.
I didn't particularly care what people did, as long as they couldn't
represent their versions as *the* BitPim. Anyway it turns out that the
Artistic License has various holes in it, including allowing bug fixes.
So is adding support for a new phone a bug fix?

The GPL is a no-compromise license. Everything in the process needs to
be GPL compatible (except parts of the operating system). At the time
we switched to the GPL, I was also trying to use OpenSSL for BitFling.
Because of the advertising clause in OpenSSL, the BitPim GPL had to
have an exception to allow using OpenSSL. Later on it turned out
impossible to use the M2Crypto OpenSSL wrapper and I switched to Paramiko
and did it using SSH. Removing the OpenSSL exception would require
everyone who has to code to agree (again). However we may need to use
OpenSSL again in the future, and I think the (minimal) SSL support in
the Python standard library uses OpenSSL. So it is prudent to just
leave the exception in there. But that does mean we use the no-compromise
GPL with the one compromise exception. That won't affect other code we
use except for other GPL code since they have no compromises :-)
Post by d***@netzero.com
I'll use the vcard package instead.
You'll probably want to split the vcard module into a vfile (generic) module
and a vcard module and add the vcal module, or just dump all the vcal stuff
in there anyway.
Post by d***@netzero.com
I'd like to do some more testing on it, so please back it out for this build.

Roger Binns
2005-02-01 06:09:06 UTC
Post by d***@netzero.com
Whatever CVS client you are using is not correctly dealing with end >of lines.
I've been using cygwin cvs as the client and I'll look into the Windows one.
It is really screwing things up. I just looked with a hex editor, and the
files are coming out with \r\r\n as the EOL!

2005-02-01 06:34:19 UTC
Whatever CVS client you are using is not correctly dealing with end >>>of lines.
I've been using cygwin cvs as the client and I'll look into the >>Windows one.
It is really screwing things up. I just looked with a hex editor, >and the files are coming out with \r\r\n as the EOL!
You meant cygwin cvs? I guess I could always run my files through some script to strip out the extra EOL chars.

-Joe Pham

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Now includes pop-up blocker!
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Roger Binns
2005-02-01 07:01:49 UTC
Post by d***@netzero.com
You meant cygwin cvs?
Post by d***@netzero.com
I guess I could always run my files through some script to
strip out the extra EOL chars.
Is there any particular you use cygwin? There is no need to
use it for BitPim (and in fact you can't use it for some parts).

All the necessary compilation can be done with regular MinGW
and the shell scripts can also be run using MSYS.

