[Bitpim-devel] OT: ANN: dotamatic
Roger Binns
2004-04-09 05:35:48 UTC
This is completely off-topic, but what the heck. As I was sitting there
getting very frustrated with some XML issues in BitPim, I was sent a link
to The Rasterbator: http://homokaasu.org/rasterbator/

It makes multi-page posters using large black dots based on your source
image. Stick them on a wall and you have something resembling art.
(It is about as close I get anyway :-)

I did a few and they worked well. Then I started wondering about using
colour and drawing the dots in other ways. 36 hours later I am happy
to inflict dotamatic on you:


You may notice some similarities with the BitPim pages and help :-)
It is pronounced dot-a-matic.

Now back to figuring out why the XML library doesn't like some
simple stuff it generated itself.

Steven Palm
2004-04-09 17:03:22 UTC
Post by Roger Binns
This is completely off-topic, but what the heck. As I was sitting there
getting very frustrated with some XML issues in BitPim, I was sent a link
to The Rasterbator: http://homokaasu.org/rasterbator/
That is why you've been so quiet. :-)
Roger Binns
2004-04-10 06:53:24 UTC
Post by Steven Palm
Post by Roger Binns
getting very frustrated with some XML issues in BitPim, I was sent a link
to The Rasterbator: http://homokaasu.org/rasterbator/
That is why you've been so quiet. :-)
Actually the XML is what was really annoying me. I changed some
unrelated parts (as in fixed bugs) and suddenly it is all misbehaving.

I couldn't figure out a rational reason why (other than bugs in
Python itself).

Steven Palm
2004-04-09 17:15:55 UTC
Post by Roger Binns
You may notice some similarities with the BitPim pages and help :-)
I built the CVS version on the Mac. It needs the same sort of magic
that we put into BitPim to autosize windows, as they open at "no size"
on the Mac (main and print preview that I tested anyway).

I can provide you with the Mac build and the dotamatic.icns Mac format
file if you'd like, but the sizing issues should be fixed first.
Roger Binns
2004-04-10 06:59:26 UTC
[We should take this to dotamatic-devel]
Post by Steven Palm
I built the CVS version on the Mac. It needs the same sort of magic
that we put into BitPim to autosize windows, as they open at "no size"
on the Mac (main and print preview that I tested anyway).
I have added you as a developer so feel free to fix the code
directly :-)
Post by Steven Palm
I can provide you with the Mac build and the dotamatic.icns Mac format
file if you'd like, but the sizing issues should be fixed first.
Yes please. I fixed a few other bugs and the whole thing will now
be 0.2.

Making this somewhat bitpim related, I also found a wierd issue
with wxPython. On Linux, wx.BeginBusyCursor calls all idle
handlers. If you call wx.BeginBusyCursor in an idle handler,
you may get infinite recursion.

The important lesson there is to make sure that idle handlers
behave well when called in a re-entrant fashion. It may also
explain some other wierdities that were happening.

A brief check of the BitPim code shows that several of
them could be tweaked a little to ensure that re-entrancy
is fine.

Steven Palm
2004-04-10 19:01:24 UTC
Post by Roger Binns
Making this somewhat bitpim related, I also found a wierd issue
with wxPython. On Linux, wx.BeginBusyCursor calls all idle
handlers. If you call wx.BeginBusyCursor in an idle handler,
you may get infinite recursion.
I grabbed your sample code posted in the wxPython list and ran it on
my Mac. It doesn't exhibit the problem you are seeing on Linux, the
count is always 1 here. Just FYI, so it looks like the fix needs to be
made just in the Linux wx implementation although making the routines
re-entrant safe wouldn't hurt anybody. ;-)
Roger Binns
2004-04-20 04:44:17 UTC
Post by Steven Palm
Just FYI, so it looks like the fix needs to be
made just in the Linux wx implementation although making the routines
re-entrant safe wouldn't hurt anybody. ;-)
I made all the OnIdle handlers re-entrant the other day.

