[Bitpim-devel] Images and ringtones in CVS version
Roger Binns
2003-12-11 12:45:51 UTC
Just so that noone who is working from CVS is surprised:

I am currently upgrading the code that deals with ringtones
and wallpapers. The ringtone tab contents will appear not
to work. Don't try and do anything with it.

The wallpaper tab will now read data from multiple locations.
This is needed for the VX6000 which has 3 different locations
for images (Brew, MMS and DRM) as well as the camera, plus of
course the builtin images.

For anyone who has a 6000, do try and read wallpapers and you
should see it reading everything. Don't try and write yet.

Steven Palm
2003-12-19 04:44:33 UTC
Post by Roger Binns
The wallpaper tab will now read data from multiple locations.
This is needed for the VX6000 which has 3 different locations
for images (Brew, MMS and DRM) as well as the camera, plus of
course the builtin images.
I notice that the wallpaper images brought in from the phone do not
get scaled to the thumbnails on the Mac (no other platforms to compare
with here). However, images I drop into the wallpaper view from the
computer do get scaled properly to fit the view icon size. Particularly
annoying are photos snapped using the camera, which are at 640x480 and
you only see a fragment of the upper corner in the wallpaper view.

Also, wxMimeTypesManager seems to be broken or at least not fully
implemented on the Mac. If I double click on an image it simply tells
me I have no program associated with .jpg, .bmp, etc... I just looked
through the 2.5.x CVS code tree I have on my system and even in that
version this module is almost entirely stubbed out. Oh well... :-(

Maybe we could add an item to the contextual menu there to at least
allow you to pick an image and save it to some location on the disk.
That, coupled with the drag-n-drop to add the images would provide at
least some GUI way for Mac users to pull images out of the wallpaper
repository, change it, and put it back. Just a thought.

-. ----. -.-- - -.--
Steve Palm - ***@n9yty.com
-. ----. -.-- - -.--
Roger Binns
2003-12-19 07:47:26 UTC
Post by Steven Palm
I notice that the wallpaper images brought in from the phone do not
get scaled to the thumbnails on the Mac (no other platforms to compare
with here).
Yup. I haven't needed to, before the VX6000. I will add that at some
Post by Steven Palm
However, images I drop into the wallpaper view from the
computer do get scaled properly to fit the view icon size.
More correctly, they get scaled and converted properly for a VX4400.
I will be adding the size and format support to the specific profiles.
Post by Steven Palm
annoying are photos snapped using the camera, which are at 640x480 and
you only see a fragment of the upper corner in the wallpaper view.
Mine are all murky test shots where I couldn't tell the difference
between the main image and just the corner :-)
Post by Steven Palm
Also, wxMimeTypesManager seems to be broken or at least not fully
implemented on the Mac.
Is there an alternative way of finding out what to call from Python?
Post by Steven Palm
Maybe we could add an item to the contextual menu there to at least
allow you to pick an image and save it to some location on the disk.
That, coupled with the drag-n-drop to add the images would provide at
least some GUI way for Mac users to pull images out of the wallpaper
repository, change it, and put it back. Just a thought.
The current code invokes the defined application directly on the
file stored in the BitPim data directory. That won't work if BitPim
moves to a database, and could cause other issues anyway.

Can you add a feature request for this and the wallpaper sizing
into the tracker on SourceForge so I don't forget about it.

