[BitPim-devel] C2000 phone
Simon C
2006-01-15 20:38:25 UTC
I have been trying to add support for the LG C2000 (gsm).
The phone is really unreliable, the display crashes when reading the
phonebook for example, the contacts are retrieved but you have to reboot it

I do not think it is worth adding this to bitpim, as it will not really help
users, should I just check in the code in the hope that someone will find a
fix later on and only make it available in debug mode or is it better just
to scrap the whple thing?

Stephen Wood
2006-01-15 20:58:00 UTC
Post by Simon C
I do not think it is worth adding this to bitpim, as it will not really help
users, should I just check in the code in the hope that someone will find a
fix later on and only make it available in debug mode or is it better just
to scrap the whple thing?
You could check it into the experiments subdirectory. That way you can
point anyone interested to it, but it won't add to the size of the build.

Or perhaps we should make a directory of abandonded phone support code.

Simon C
2006-01-16 02:11:50 UTC
Or perhaps we should make a directory of abandonded phone support code.

I like that idea, could be used for incomplete as well. I have a few other
phones I have worked on which are incomplete due to lack of phone and may be
good starting points if anyone else gets hold of one of them.
If no-one objects I'll create a directory called 'deficient_phones' and put
the code in there.

Roger Binns
2006-01-16 05:19:50 UTC
Post by Simon C
I have been trying to add support for the LG C2000 (gsm).
The phone is really unreliable, the display crashes when reading the
phonebook for example, the contacts are retrieved but you have to reboot it
Have you tried putting in delays between commands? The puny real time
operating systems in these phones are under various timing constraints.
You may notice that even the EFS code has deliberate delays when doing
a filesystem backup because several phones croaked if you kept firing
commands at them.

BTW I don't see DataPilot or FutureDial with support for this
phone either.

I'd also suggest following Stephen's answer and name the directory
something like experimental_support. That is a more general purpose
name and applies to both phones that are defective as well as incomplete

Simon C
2006-01-16 06:03:31 UTC
Post by Roger Binns
Have you tried putting in delays between commands? The puny
real time operating systems in these phones are under various
timing constraints.
Tried it again after wiping the phone and doing a reset and the problem has
gone away. I should have tried this before sending this e-mail.
I probably messed it up with all the other things I was trying to make it
do. It freezes when you try to recover call history and sending media files
at any speed makes the display do things it wasn't programmed to. The one
good thing is that removing the battery has always fixed it.

I'll do some more testing with the features that I have gotten working and
check it in if it behaves. I'll put a note in the help about what to do if
it does lock up.
Post by Roger Binns
I'd also suggest following Stephen's answer and name the
directory something like experimental_support. That is a
more general purpose name and applies to both phones that are
defective as well as incomplete code.
I'll name it so.

One other item about this phone. I have managed to read partial jpeg images
from the phone. The command is AT+DDLU=0,"filename.jpg". The phone responds
with a base64 encoded byte stream which is the beginning of the file, it
contains the top of the picture. The stream is terminated with and '@' and
an OK. I cannot make it send the rest of the file, repeating the command
and/or changing the number just caues the start of the file to be resent,
waiting for the event does nothing, so I'm looking for suggestions. I tried
AT+CLAC (doesn't list the +DDLU command) AT+DDLU=? does not give anything
useful either. I also tried replacing the U in the DDLU with all other
letters with no luck, most of them do not form valid commands. (code snippet
Joe, this phone is identical to the G4015 in the areas that do work, did you
experiment with copying files from the phone?
Given that no-one else supports this there is nothing to reverse engineer,
and none of the LG GSM tools work with this phone for imaage/ringtone
manipulation, so I'd welcome any ideas :)


def _get_media_file(self, file_name):
""" Add one media ringtone
if not file_name:
return False
self.log('Writing media %s'%file_name)
_cmd='AT+DDLU=0,"%s"\r' % file_name
# strip for the start of the response
self.comm.read(1) # skip space
# read the raw file data
# convert to binary
if self.comm.read(10)!='\n\r\r\n\r\nOK\r\n':
return False
# need to figure out how to make phone send rest of file
return data
Joe Pham
2006-01-16 07:03:02 UTC
Post by Simon C
Joe, this phone is identical to the G4015 in the areas that do work,
did you experiment with copying files from the phone?
Yes, I did get it to work at one point. I'll look back at my notes and let you know what I have.

-Joe Pham

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