[Bitpim-devel] version 0.7.19 windows xp, sanyo 8200 phone
2004-10-03 20:06:06 UTC
When I try to transfer data from the phone to the computer, I get an exception.
I know the cable and driver are ok, because they work with the sprint
application. I don't know why bitpim thinks I have an LG 4400 phone in the

Here is the traceback:

An unexpected exception has occurred.
Please see the help for details on what to do.

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "gui.pyo", line 150, in run
File "gui.pyo", line 90, in __call__
File "gui.pyo", line 1126, in getdata
File "gui.pyo", line 1120, in getfundamentals
File "com_lgvx4400.pyo", line 87, in getfundamentals
File "com_brew.pyo", line 223, in getfilecontents
File "com_brew.pyo", line 412, in sendbrewcommand
BrewNoSuchFileException: No such file

Variables by last 8 frames, innermost last

Frame __bootstrap in threading.pyo at line 436
self = <WorkerThread(BitPim helper, started daemon)>

Frame run in gui.pyo at line 143
e = <com_brew.BrewNoSuchFileException instance at 0x01DB1058>
res = None
self = <WorkerThread(BitPim helper, started daemon)>
item = (<gui.Request instance at 0x01C6DA80>, <gui.Callback
instance at 0x01DAEB70>)
call = <gui.Request instance at 0x01C6DA80>
ex = <com_brew.BrewNoSuchFileException instance at 0x01DB1058>
resultcb = <gui.Callback instance at 0x01DAEB70>
first = 0

Frame __call__ in gui.pyo at line 90
self = <gui.Request instance at 0x01C6DA80>
args = ()
d = Keys []
kwargs = Keys []

Frame getdata in gui.pyo at line 1126
self = <WorkerThread(BitPim helper, started daemon)>
req = <guiwidgets.GetPhoneDialog; proxy of C++ wxDialog
instance at _e0e7b801_p_wxDial

Frame getfundamentals in gui.pyo at line 1120
self = <WorkerThread(BitPim helper, started daemon)>
results = Keys ['uniqueserial']

Frame getfundamentals in com_lgvx4400.pyo at line 87
self = <com_lgvx4400.Phone instance at 0x01DAEDC8>
results = Keys ['uniqueserial']

Frame getfilecontents in com_brew.pyo at line 223
self = <com_lgvx4400.Phone instance at 0x01DAEDC8>
req = <p_brew.readfilerequest object at 0x01DB02B0>
start = 1096832246.1400001
file = 'pim/pbgroup.dat'
data = <cStringIO.StringO object at 0x01DA7FA0>
desc = 'Reading pim/pbgroup.dat'

Frame sendbrewcommand in com_brew.pyo at line 412
responseclass = <class 'p_brew.readfileresponse'>
d = 0
err = 6
buffer = <prototypes.buffer instance at 0x01DAEFA8>
request = <p_brew.readfilerequest object at 0x01DB02B0>
callsetmode = True
firsttwo = 'Y\x04'
crc = '\xc6\x0e'
self = <com_lgvx4400.Phone instance at 0x01DAEDC8>

When I select filesystem, the phone reports a whole slew
of information, that I don't know how to cut and paste into this
The $sys.factory is 206
$sys_rmt is 188
$user_dirs is 234

Roger Binns
2004-10-03 20:21:35 UTC
Post by turbo
I don't know why bitpim thinks I have an LG
4400 phone in the traceback.
Here is a hint:

Edit -> Settings

Incidentally that dialog appears the very first time you run BitPim
as well.

Stephen Wood
2004-10-03 22:41:17 UTC
Post by turbo
I don't know why bitpim thinks I have an LG 4400 phone in the
You do need to tell BitPim what kind of phone you have. The settings
dialog comes up the first time you run bitpim. After that, it is
available in Edit/Settings.
