[Bitpim-devel] ical calendar format
Steven Willis
2004-06-20 23:02:22 UTC
I was just wondering if anyone has thought about doing any work to
import/export the phone calendar to the ical format? I use ical calendars
and find it quite useful (and I also find bitpim quite useful, great job
guys). It looks like the calendar data stored on the phones would be a
subset of the data you can store with ical.

I'm quite familiar with python so perhaps I could look into it myself,
just thought I'd see if anyone else has done any work towards this
(haven't seen it discussed on the user or devel lists yet).

On a side note I tried installing .7.12 but upon running I got an
immediate exception that eventually pointed to (full trace below):


Which I don't have. Looking into it, the only time the pycrypto package is
mentioned is for development... and even then it says that it's optional
and only needed for bitfling... is there something I'm missing? (.62
installs and runs perfectly).

Which brings me to another point, since I'd like to do some development I
should probably get all those packages listed on the developer page
anyway. The only problem is that I've got SuSE and I'd really like to keep
as much of my stuff within the package management system, so I was
wondering if anyone knew of any 'alternative' suse repositories where
these packages might be listed?

-Steven Willis

P.S. traceback from above:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "bp.py", line 57, in ?
File "gui.py", line 31, in ?
File "guiwidgets.py", line 40, in ?
File "comdiagnose.py", line 21, in ?
File "bitflingscan.py", line 16, in ?
File "bitfling/client.py", line 17, in ?
File "bitfling/xmlrpcstuff.py", line 47, in ?
File "bitfling/paramiko_bp/__init__.py", line 70, in ?
File "bitfling/paramiko_bp/transport.py", line 32, in ?
File "bitfling/paramiko_bp/rsakey.py", line 25, in ?
File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/Crypto/PublicKey/RSA.py", line
256, in ?
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'error'

Roger Binns
2004-07-01 06:16:53 UTC
Post by Steven Willis
I was just wondering if anyone has thought about doing any work to
import/export the phone calendar to the ical format?
The focus for 0.7 is getting the phonebook done. The next focus
will be fixing the calendar including import/export. However if
you want to contribute code then it is welcome at any time!
Post by Steven Willis
guys). It looks like the calendar data stored on the phones would be a
subset of the data you can store with ical.
The calendar information on the phones is way worse than the
phonebook. It ranges from the ultra-crappy Audiovox CDM8900
which basically just stores some events (no repeats, no suppressions)
to the LG which isn't too bad (the phone UI is more restrictive
than the data - eg you can't set an end date for repeats even
though the data has that field).

None of the phones have any 'serial' or unique id mechanism
that is useful for tracking events and their changes. The vast
majority of the ical/vcalendar fields cannot be represented
on any phone.
Post by Steven Willis
I'm quite familiar with python so perhaps I could look into it myself,
just thought I'd see if anyone else has done any work towards this
(haven't seen it discussed on the user or devel lists yet).
Not to my knowledge.
Post by Steven Willis
On a side note I tried installing .7.12 but upon running I got an
Which I don't have. Looking into it, the only time the pycrypto package is
mentioned is for development... and even then it says that it's optional
and only needed for bitfling... is there something I'm missing? (.62
installs and runs perfectly).
Things should work without pycrypto present (bitfling should just
end up disabled). The 0.62 codebase is really old. 0.7 is almost
3 times the size of it now, and there really isn't sensible comparisons
to be made.
Post by Steven Willis
anyway. The only problem is that I've got SuSE and I'd really like to keep
as much of my stuff within the package management system, so I was
wondering if anyone knew of any 'alternative' suse repositories where
these packages might be listed?
Nope. This is the same situation as with CPAN. The only distro I know
of that can use distutils but also track things in the package management
system is Gentoo.

I would recommend just not worrying about it. All the files end up
under /usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/<package-name> anyway so
you don't have to worry about filesystem pollution.

