[BitPim-devel] BitPim 0.9.13 MacOS X Test Build is now available for testing
Joe Pham
2007-03-19 04:03:47 UTC
Grab it from:


Please post the result of your testing.

-Joe Pham

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2007-03-19 04:25:49 UTC
Tried it on a PPC system with 10.4.8 and got a crash on start up.

I can run from source now, but if I try to build per Sean's
instructions, the build completes,
but I get the same error as this distribution.


BitPim version: bitpim-trunk-bitpim-4156-developer build
An unexpected exception has occurred.
Please see the help for details on what to do.

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "gui.pyo", line 247, in OnClose
File "gui.pyo", line 244, in goforit
File "gui.pyo", line 527, in makemainwindow
File "gui.pyo", line 871, in __init__
File "phone_root.pyo", line 125, in CreatePhone
File "phone_root.pyo", line 332, in Initialise
File "phone_root.pyo", line 428, in EnsureDatabase
File "database.pyo", line 321, in __init__
MisuseError: MisuseError: library routine called out of sequence

Variables by last 8 frames, innermost last

Frame OnClose in gui.pyo at line 247
self = <gui.MySplashScreen; proxy of C++ wxSplashScreen
instance at _019dc200_p_wxSplas
evt = <wx._core.CloseEvent; proxy of C++ wxCloseEvent
instance at _bfffce20_p_wxCloseE

Frame goforit in gui.pyo at line 244
self = <gui.MySplashScreen; proxy of C++ wxSplashScreen
instance at _019dc200_p_wxSplas

Frame makemainwindow in gui.pyo at line 527
self = <gui.MainApp; proxy of C++ wxPyApp instance at
name = None
title = 'BitPim'

Frame __init__ in gui.pyo at line 871
help = 'Export Media Files to a Zip file'
pos = 200
expmenu = <wx._core.Menu; proxy of C++ wxMenu instance at
ib = <wx._gdi.IconBundle; proxy of C++ wxIconBundle
instance at _06924620_p_wxIconBun
id = -1
title = 'BitPim'
menu = <wx._core.Menu; proxy of C++ wxMenu instance at
self = <gui.MainWindow; proxy of C++ wxFrame instance at
_desc = 'Execute'
_help = 'Perform Auto Calendar Import'
config = <bp_config.Config instance at 0x243b48>
_func = None
impmenu = <wx._core.Menu; proxy of C++ wxMenu instance at
parent = None
func = <function OnFileExportMediaZip at 0x2cb47f0>
x = 183
desc = 'Media to Zip File...'
sz = wx.Size(32, 32)
_submenu = <wx._core.Menu; proxy of C++ wxMenu instance at
sb = <guiwidgets.MyStatusBar; proxy of C++ wxStatusBar
instance at _019f1e00_p_wxStat
_id = 179
menuBar = <wx._core.MenuBar; proxy of C++ wxMenuBar
instance at _019fa200_p_wxMenuBar>

Frame CreatePhone in phone_root.pyo at line 125
name = 'Phone'
database_name = 'bitpim.db'
phone_id = <wx._controls.TreeItemId; proxy of C++
wxTreeItemId instance at _07899980_p_wxTr
phone = <phone_root.Phone; proxy of C++ wxScrolledWindow
instance at _01aaac00_p_wxScrol
path = '/Users/timg/.bitpim-files'
config = <bp_config.Config instance at 0x243b48>
self = <phone_root.PhoneTree; proxy of C++ wxPyTreeCtrl
instance at _01a24000_p_wxPyTre

Frame Initialise in phone_root.pyo at line 332
blob_path = 'bitpim.db_blobs'
tree = <phone_root.PhoneTree; proxy of C++ wxPyTreeCtrl
instance at _01a24000_p_wxPyTre
database_name = 'bitpim.db'
phone_id = <wx._controls.TreeItemId; proxy of C++
wxTreeItemId instance at _07899980_p_wxTr
self = <phone_root.Phone; proxy of C++ wxScrolledWindow
instance at _01aaac00_p_wxScrol
mw = <gui.MainWindow; proxy of C++ wxFrame instance at
path = '/Users/timg/.bitpim-files'
config = <bp_config.Config instance at 0x243b48>
id = None

Frame EnsureDatabase in phone_root.pyo at line 428
newpath = '/Users/timg/.bitpim-files'
self = <phone_root.Phone; proxy of C++ wxScrolledWindow
instance at _01aaac00_p_wxScrol
oldpath = '/Users/timg/.bitpim-files'
vtabs = [{'args': ('/Users/timg/.bitpim-files/ringer',),
'modulename': 'ringtonemodule',
newdbpath = '/Users/timg/.bitpim-files/bitpim.db'
database_file = 'bitpim.db'

Frame __init__ in database.pyo at line 321
self = <database.Database instance at 0x6be7648>
virtualtables = [{'args': ('/Users/timg/.bitpim-files/ringer',),
'modulename': 'ringtonemodule',
filename = '/Users/timg/.bitpim-files/bitpim.db'

On Mar 19, 2007, at 4:03 AM, Joe Pham wrote:

Grab it from:


Please post the result of your testing.

-Joe Pham

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Click here to checkout USA TODAY Headlines.

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Allen Hancock
2007-03-19 07:03:47 UTC
I got this upon launch on my intel based mac running 10.4.9

now, I've still got python 2.5 loaded, but don't know if that is a

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/ahancock/BitPim.app/Contents/Resources/__boot__.py",
line 31, in ?
File "/Users/ahancock/BitPim.app/Contents/Resources/__boot__.py",
line 28, in _run
execfile(path, globals(), globals())
File "/Users/ahancock/BitPim.app/Contents/Resources/bp.py", line
20, in ?
import wx
File "wx/__init__.pyo", line 42, in ?
File "wx/_core.pyo", line 4, in ?
File "wx/_core_.pyo", line 18, in ?
File "wx/_core_.pyo", line 11, in __load
ImportError: dlopen(/Users/ahancock/BitPim.app/Contents/Resources/lib/
python2.3/lib-dynload/wx/_core_.so, 2): no suitable image found. Did
dynload/wx/_core_.so: mach-o, but wrong architecture
2007-03-19 02:01:19.359 BitPim[10193] BitPim Error
2007-03-19 02:01:19.360 BitPim[10193] BitPim Error
An unexpected error has occurred during execution of the main script

ImportError: dlopen(/Users/ahancock/BitPim.app/Contents/Resources/lib/
python2.3/lib-dynload/wx/_core_.so, 2): no suitable image found. Did
dynload/wx/_core_.so: mach-o, but wrong architecture
Sean Burke
2007-03-19 14:51:47 UTC
Allen -
I have rebuilt the application with the explicit command to run on Rosetta.
Not sure if the modules need to be recompiled, but if you want to test it,
I'd appreciate the help.

Post by Allen Hancock
I got this upon launch on my intel based mac running 10.4.9
now, I've still got python 2.5 loaded, but don't know if that is a
File "/Users/ahancock/BitPim.app/Contents/Resources/__boot__.py",
line 31, in ?
File "/Users/ahancock/BitPim.app/Contents/Resources/__boot__.py",
line 28, in _run
execfile(path, globals(), globals())
File "/Users/ahancock/BitPim.app/Contents/Resources/bp.py", line
20, in ?
import wx
File "wx/__init__.pyo", line 42, in ?
File "wx/_core.pyo", line 4, in ?
File "wx/_core_.pyo", line 18, in ?
File "wx/_core_.pyo", line 11, in __load
ImportError: dlopen(/Users/ahancock/BitPim.app/Contents/Resources/lib/
python2.3/lib-dynload/wx/_core_.so, 2): no suitable image found. Did
dynload/wx/_core_.so: mach-o, but wrong architecture
2007-03-19 02:01:19.359 BitPim[10193] BitPim Error
2007-03-19 02:01:19.360 BitPim[10193] BitPim Error
An unexpected error has occurred during execution of the main script
ImportError: dlopen(/Users/ahancock/BitPim.app/Contents/Resources/lib/
python2.3/lib-dynload/wx/_core_.so, 2): no suitable image found. Did
dynload/wx/_core_.so: mach-o, but wrong architecture
Take Surveys. Earn Cash. Influence the Future of IT
Join SourceForge.net's Techsay panel and you'll get the chance to share
opinions on IT & business topics through brief surveys-and earn cash
BitPim-devel mailing list
Sean Burke
Imaging Analysis Specialist
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Yeshiva University
Bronx, NY 10461
Allen Hancock
2007-03-19 16:28:37 UTC
Post by Sean Burke
Allen -
I have rebuilt the application with the explicit command to run on
Rosetta. Not sure if the modules need to be recompiled, but if you
want to test it, I'd appreciate the help.
Bring it! I am online now

Talk to you soon,

Sean Burke
2007-03-20 13:50:09 UTC
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Joe, <br>
Ok. Here is the problem.&nbsp; On a default 10.4 build, the flag "-undefined
dynamic_lookup" gets thrown (see "Background").&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; This is a new flag,
which is why it hasn't shown up in Roger's 10.3 builds.&nbsp; After
recompiling python 2.3.5 with MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.2, I got a
clean build.&nbsp; It works on PPC and I am waiting for i386 results from
Allen and Mark. <br>
Using Roger's build log as a template for building apsw, I compiled
eviathan:~/Desktop/apsw-3-1.3.13-r1 spb$ sudo python setup.py install<br>
running install<br>
running build<br>
running build_ext<br>
building 'apsw' extension<br>
creating build<br>
creating build/temp.darwin-8.9.0-Power_Macintosh-2.3<br>
gcc -fno-strict-aliasing -Wno-long-double -no-cpp-precomp
-mno-fused-madd -fno-common -dynamic -DNDEBUG -g -O3 -Wall
-Wstrict-prototypes -DNDEBUG=1 -DEXPERIMENTAL=1
-c apsw.c -o build/temp.darwin-8.9.0-Power_Macintosh-2.3/apsw.o<br>
In file included from apsw.c:66:<br>
statementcache.c: In function 'statementcache_free':<br>
statementcache.c:99: warning: unused variable 'res'<br>
creating build/lib.darwin-8.9.0-Power_Macintosh-2.3<br>
gcc -Wl,-F. -bundle <b>-undefined dynamic_lookup</b>
build/temp.darwin-8.9.0-Power_Macintosh-2.3/apsw.o -lsqlite3 -o
running install_lib<br>
copying build/lib.darwin-8.9.0-Power_Macintosh-2.3/apsw.so -&gt;