[BitPim-devel] 7400 Filesystem view problem
2005-02-04 03:09:02 UTC
For some reason (it didn't used to) I can not view the filesystem of
my MM7400. I was told to post the protocol log here. Hope it can get

19:42:36.388 COM3: Opening port COM3, 115200 baud, timeout 3.000000,
hardwareflow 0, softwareflow 0
19:42:36.398 COM3: Open of comm port suceeded
19:42:36.398 MM-7400: Attempting to contact phone
19:42:36.407 MM-7400: Listing dir ''
19:42:36.407 MM-7400: brew request Data - 2 bytes
<#! p_brew.memoryconfigrequest !#>
00000000 59 0c Y.

19:42:36.417 MM-7400: brew response Data - 7 bytes
<#! p_brew.memoryconfigresponse !#>
00000000 59 0c 00 60 4a 79 00 Y..`Jy.

19:42:36.417 MM-7400: Now in brew mode
19:42:36.417 MM-7400: brew request Data - 8 bytes
<#! p_brew.listfilerequest !#>
00000000 59 0b 00 00 00 00 01 00 Y.......

19:42:36.427 MM-7400: brew response Data - 35 bytes
<#! p_brew.listfileresponse !#>
00000000 59 0b 00 00 00 00 00 ff 00 01 03 00 00 00 00 c8 Y...............
00000010 06 00 00 00 08 00 00 00 0a 24 55 53 45 52 5f 44 .........$USER_D
00000020 49 52 53 IRS

19:42:36.427 MM-7400: brew request Data - 8 bytes
<#! p_brew.listfilerequest !#>
00000000 59 0b 01 00 00 00 01 00 Y.......

19:42:36.437 MM-7400: brew response Data - 37 bytes
<#! p_brew.listfileresponse !#>
00000000 59 0b 00 01 00 00 00 37 00 01 03 00 00 00 00 ce Y......7........
00000010 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 0c 24 53 59 53 2e 46 41 .........$SYS.FA
00000020 43 54 4f 52 59 CTORY

19:42:36.437 MM-7400: brew request Data - 8 bytes
<#! p_brew.listfilerequest !#>
00000000 59 0b 02 00 00 00 01 00 Y.......

19:42:36.447 MM-7400: brew response Data - 31 bytes
<#! p_brew.listfileresponse !#>
00000000 59 0b 00 02 00 00 00 ff 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 40 Y..............@
00000010 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 06 43 4c 4b 5f 44 42 .........CLK_DB

19:42:36.447 MM-7400: brew request Data - 8 bytes
<#! p_brew.listfilerequest !#>
00000000 59 0b 03 00 00 00 01 00 Y.......

19:42:36.457 MM-7400: brew response Data - 38 bytes
<#! p_brew.listfileresponse !#>
00000000 59 0b 00 03 00 00 00 ff 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 5a Y..............Z
00000010 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 0d 75 69 76 72 53 74 61 .........uivrSta
00000020 74 65 2e 64 61 74 te.dat

19:42:36.457 MM-7400: brew request Data - 8 bytes
<#! p_brew.listfilerequest !#>
00000000 59 0b 04 00 00 00 01 00 Y.......

19:42:36.467 MM-7400: brew response Data - 36 bytes
<#! p_brew.listfileresponse !#>
00000000 59 0b 00 04 00 00 00 ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0c Y...............
00000010 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 0b 52 44 4d 5f 44 45 56 .........RDM_DEV
00000020 5f 4d 41 50 _MAP

19:42:36.467 MM-7400: brew request Data - 8 bytes
<#! p_brew.listfilerequest !#>
00000000 59 0b 05 00 00 00 01 00 Y.......

19:42:36.477 MM-7400: brew response Data - 25 bytes
<#! p_brew.listfileresponse !#>
00000000 59 0b 00 05 00 00 00 ff 00 01 00 42 e5 2b 2f 8c Y..........B.+/.
00000010 07 00 00 00 08 00 00 00 00 .........

19:42:36.477 MM-7400: Error decoding response Data - 25 bytes
<#! p_brew.listfileresponse !#>
00000000 59 0b 00 05 00 00 00 ff 00 01 00 42 e5 2b 2f 8c Y..........B.+/.
00000010 07 00 00 00 08 00 00 00 00 .........

Original Data - 25 bytes
00000000 59 0b 00 05 00 00 00 ff 00 01 00 42 e5 2b 2f 8c Y..........B.+/.
00000010 07 00 00 00 08 00 00 00 00 d5 ca 7e ...........~

19:42:36.497 Exception: An unexpected exception has occurred.
Please see the help for details on what to do.

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "gui.pyo", line 153, in run
File "gui.pyo", line 93, in __call__
File "gui.pyo", line 1302, in dirlisting
File "com_brew.pyo", line 167, in getfilesystem
File "com_brew.pyo", line 458, in sendbrewcommand
File "p_brew.pyo", line 1540, in readfrombuffer
File "prototypes.pyo", line 334, in readfrombuffer
File "prototypes.pyo", line 1177, in getnextbyte
IndexError: trying to read one byte beyond end of 25 byte buffer

Variables by last 8 frames, innermost last

Frame run in gui.pyo at line 146
e = <exceptions.IndexError instance at 0x01FC1580>
res = None
self = <WorkerThread(BitPim helper, started daemon)>
item = (<gui.Request instance at 0x01FA4FD0>,
<gui.Callback instance at 0x01FA4F58>)
call = <gui.Request instance at 0x01FA4FD0>
ex = <exceptions.IndexError instance at 0x01FC1580>
resultcb = <gui.Callback instance at 0x01FA4F58>
first = 0

Frame __call__ in gui.pyo at line 93
self = <gui.Request instance at 0x01FA4FD0>
args = ()
d = Keys []
kwargs = Keys []

Frame dirlisting in gui.pyo at line 1302
path = ''
self = <WorkerThread(BitPim helper, started daemon)>
recurse = 0

Frame getfilesystem in com_brew.pyo at line 181
i = 5
res = <p_brew.listfileresponse object at 0x01FCEF30>
self = <com_sanyo7400.Phone instance at 0x01FC1418>
req = <p_brew.listfilerequest object at 0x01FCEE30>
recurse = 0
results = Keys ['$SYS.FACTORY', '$USER_DIRS', 'CLK_DB',
'RDM_DEV_MAP', 'uivrState.dat']
{'RDM_DEV_MAP': {'date': (0, ''), 'type': 'file',
'name': 'RDM_DEV_MAP', 'size':
dir = ''

Frame sendbrewcommand in com_brew.pyo at line 463
origdata =
d = 0
responseclass = <class 'p_brew.listfileresponse'>
buffer = <prototypes.buffer instance at 0x01FC1440>
res = <p_brew.listfileresponse object at 0x01FCEDB0>
callsetmode = True
firsttwo = 'Y\x0b'
request = <p_brew.listfilerequest object at 0x01FCEE30>
crc = '\xd5\xca'
data =
self = <com_sanyo7400.Phone instance at 0x01FC1418>

Frame readfrombuffer in p_brew.pyo at line 1540
self = <p_brew.listfileresponse object at 0x01FCEDB0>
buf = <prototypes.buffer instance at 0x01FC1440>

Frame readfrombuffer in prototypes.pyo at line 334
self = <prototypes.STRING object at 0x01FCEC90>
buf = <prototypes.buffer instance at 0x01FC1440>

Frame getnextbyte in prototypes.pyo at line 1177
self = <prototypes.buffer instance at 0x01FC1440>
Stephen Wood
2005-02-04 05:15:48 UTC
Thanks for posting this. We'll look at it.
Post by Adam
For some reason (it didn't used to) I can not view the filesystem of
my MM7400. I was told to post the protocol log here. Hope it can get
Stephen Wood
2005-02-04 05:19:22 UTC
Post by Adam
For some reason (it didn't used to) I can not view the filesystem of
my MM7400. I was told to post the protocol log here. Hope it can get
19:42:36.467 MM-7400: brew request Data - 8 bytes
<#! p_brew.listfilerequest !#>
00000000 59 0b 05 00 00 00 01 00 Y.......
19:42:36.477 MM-7400: brew response Data - 25 bytes
<#! p_brew.listfileresponse !#>
00000000 59 0b 00 05 00 00 00 ff 00 01 00 42 e5 2b 2f 8c Y..........B.+/.
00000010 07 00 00 00 08 00 00 00 00 .........
I looks like the filename is missing in this response. If the file
name is null, then there should still be one more byte in the packet.
Is it possible that when the filename is null, the phone doesn't send
the filename length byte?

Roger Binns
2005-02-04 05:38:42 UTC
Post by Stephen Wood
I looks like the filename is missing in this response. If the file
name is null, then there should still be one more byte in the packet.
Is it possible that when the filename is null, the phone doesn't send
the filename length byte?
I doubt a null filename is valid since it will be indistinguishable from
the directory name.

There is a possibility that the filesystem is somehow corrupt, or
something funky like a deleted file leaving "holes" in the entries.

2005-02-05 19:11:39 UTC
Any ideas on how to correct this? I completely reset the phone and it
still produces the same error. All other functions of bitpim work
Post by Roger Binns
Post by Stephen Wood
I looks like the filename is missing in this response. If the file
name is null, then there should still be one more byte in the packet.
Is it possible that when the filename is null, the phone doesn't send
the filename length byte?
I doubt a null filename is valid since it will be indistinguishable from
the directory name.
There is a possibility that the filesystem is somehow corrupt, or
something funky like a deleted file leaving "holes" in the entries.
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BitPim-devel mailing list
Stephen Wood
2005-02-05 20:25:37 UTC
If you can get BitPim to work from source (see
http://www.bitpim.org/developer.html), then we could give you a patch
that would skip over the possibly corrupted file. If nothing else is
corrupted, then that would help identify what file it is corrupted.

In any case, if this file system corruption is limited to a single
file, it won't have any impact on the operation of any BitPim features
that may be added to the 7400 in the future. (Imporoved wallpaper,
ringer and video transfers).

Post by Adam
Any ideas on how to correct this? I completely reset the phone and it
still produces the same error. All other functions of bitpim work
2005-02-05 20:34:06 UTC
I have it running from source now. I am trying to make my own little
fix but I'm not having much luck.
Post by Stephen Wood
If you can get BitPim to work from source (see
http://www.bitpim.org/developer.html), then we could give you a patch
that would skip over the possibly corrupted file. If nothing else is
corrupted, then that would help identify what file it is corrupted.
In any case, if this file system corruption is limited to a single
file, it won't have any impact on the operation of any BitPim features
that may be added to the 7400 in the future. (Imporoved wallpaper,
ringer and video transfers).
Post by Adam
Any ideas on how to correct this? I completely reset the phone and it
still produces the same error. All other functions of bitpim work
This SF.Net email is sponsored by: IntelliVIEW -- Interactive Reporting
Tool for open source databases. Create drag-&-drop reports. Save time
by over 75%! Publish reports on the web. Export to DOC, XLS, RTF, etc.
Download a FREE copy at http://www.intelliview.com/go/osdn_nl
BitPim-devel mailing list
Stephen Wood
2005-02-05 20:48:47 UTC
Do keep in mind: Is whatever it is that you want the filesystem view
for, worth toasting a $350 phone.

Post by Adam
I have it running from source now. I am trying to make my own little
fix but I'm not having much luck.
Post by Stephen Wood
If you can get BitPim to work from source (see
http://www.bitpim.org/developer.html), then we could give you a patch
that would skip over the possibly corrupted file. If nothing else is
corrupted, then that would help identify what file it is corrupted.
In any case, if this file system corruption is limited to a single
file, it won't have any impact on the operation of any BitPim features
that may be added to the 7400 in the future. (Imporoved wallpaper,
ringer and video transfers).
Post by Adam
Any ideas on how to correct this? I completely reset the phone and it
still produces the same error. All other functions of bitpim work
2005-02-05 20:53:48 UTC
But, if its not writing anything to the phone, would it toast it?
Also, costco will let me exchange it for a new one if it does toast
Post by Stephen Wood
Do keep in mind: Is whatever it is that you want the filesystem view
for, worth toasting a $350 phone.
Post by Adam
I have it running from source now. I am trying to make my own little
fix but I'm not having much luck.
Post by Stephen Wood
If you can get BitPim to work from source (see
http://www.bitpim.org/developer.html), then we could give you a patch
that would skip over the possibly corrupted file. If nothing else is
corrupted, then that would help identify what file it is corrupted.
In any case, if this file system corruption is limited to a single
file, it won't have any impact on the operation of any BitPim features
that may be added to the 7400 in the future. (Imporoved wallpaper,
ringer and video transfers).
Post by Adam
Any ideas on how to correct this? I completely reset the phone and it
still produces the same error. All other functions of bitpim work
This SF.Net email is sponsored by: IntelliVIEW -- Interactive Reporting
Tool for open source databases. Create drag-&-drop reports. Save time
by over 75%! Publish reports on the web. Export to DOC, XLS, RTF, etc.
Download a FREE copy at http://www.intelliview.com/go/osdn_nl
BitPim-devel mailing list
2005-02-06 06:45:18 UTC
I was able to recode the refresh command to just manually list each of
the subdirectories. They all work fine and my phone isn't a
paperweight. It must just be something in the root directory that is
making it puke.
Post by Adam
But, if its not writing anything to the phone, would it toast it?
Also, costco will let me exchange it for a new one if it does toast
Post by Stephen Wood
Do keep in mind: Is whatever it is that you want the filesystem view
for, worth toasting a $350 phone.
Post by Adam
I have it running from source now. I am trying to make my own little
fix but I'm not having much luck.
Post by Stephen Wood
If you can get BitPim to work from source (see
http://www.bitpim.org/developer.html), then we could give you a patch
that would skip over the possibly corrupted file. If nothing else is
corrupted, then that would help identify what file it is corrupted.
In any case, if this file system corruption is limited to a single
file, it won't have any impact on the operation of any BitPim features
that may be added to the 7400 in the future. (Imporoved wallpaper,
ringer and video transfers).
Post by Adam
Any ideas on how to correct this? I completely reset the phone and it
still produces the same error. All other functions of bitpim work
This SF.Net email is sponsored by: IntelliVIEW -- Interactive Reporting
Tool for open source databases. Create drag-&-drop reports. Save time
by over 75%! Publish reports on the web. Export to DOC, XLS, RTF, etc.
Download a FREE copy at http://www.intelliview.com/go/osdn_nl
BitPim-devel mailing list