[BitPim-devel] cannot get software to talk o 7400 or 8100 sanyo's
2005-05-25 03:44:02 UTC
An unexpected exception has occurred.

Please see the help for details on what to do.

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "gui.pyo", line 374, in __call__

File "importexport.pyo", line 1578, in OnFileImportCSVContacts

File "importexport.pyo", line 646, in __init__

File "importexport.pyo", line 145, in __init__

File "importexport.pyo", line 655, in getcontrols

File "common.pyo", line 361, in opentextfile

IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: u'C:\\Documents and
Settings\\Mark\\My Documents\\sanyo8100.csv'

Variables by last 8 frames, innermost last

Frame MainLoop in wx\_core.pyo at line 5262

self = <gui.MainApp; proxy of C++ wxPyApp instance at

Frame MainLoop in wx\_core.pyo at line 4732

args = (<gui.MainApp; proxy of C++ wxPyApp instance at

kwargs = Keys []


Frame __call__ in gui.pyo at line 374

self = <gui.MenuCallback instance at 0x01A408A0>

args = (<wx._core.CommandEvent; proxy of C++ wxCommandEvent
instance at _30f31200_p_wxC

Frame OnFileImportCSVContacts in importexport.pyo at line 1578

path = u'C:\\Documents and Settings\\Mark\\My

dlg = <wx._windows.FileDialog; proxy of C++ wxFileDialog
instance at _808fd901_p_wxFil

parent = <gui.MainWindow; proxy of C++ wxFrame instance at

Frame __init__ in importexport.pyo at line 646

self = <importexport.ImportCSVDialog; proxy of C++ wxDialog
instance at _508ad901_p_wxD

filename = u'C:\\Documents and Settings\\Mark\\My

id = -1

parent = <gui.MainWindow; proxy of C++ wxFrame instance at

title = 'Import CSV file'

Frame __init__ in importexport.pyo at line 145

sz = (600, 100)

style = 536877632

parent = <gui.MainWindow; proxy of C++ wxFrame instance at

title = 'Import CSV file'

self = <importexport.ImportCSVDialog; proxy of C++ wxDialog
instance at _508ad901_p_wxD

vbs = <wx._core.BoxSizer; proxy of C++ wxBoxSizer instance at

t = u'<html><body BGCOLOR="#ECE9D8">Importing C:\\Documents
and Settings\\Mark\\My D

w = <wx.html.HtmlWindow; proxy of C++ wxPyHtmlWindow instance
at _704eda01_p_wxPyHtm

id = -1

Frame getcontrols in importexport.pyo at line 655

vbs = <wx._core.BoxSizer; proxy of C++ wxBoxSizer instance at

self = <importexport.ImportCSVDialog; proxy of C++ wxDialog
instance at _508ad901_p_wxD

Frame opentextfile in common.pyo at line 361

name = u'C:\\Documents and Settings\\Mark\\My
Roger Binns
2005-05-25 04:14:34 UTC
Post by pumpmark
File "gui.pyo", line 374, in __call__
File "importexport.pyo", line 1578, in OnFileImportCSVContacts
File "importexport.pyo", line 646, in __init__
File "importexport.pyo", line 145, in __init__
File "importexport.pyo", line 655, in getcontrols
File "common.pyo", line 361, in opentextfile
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: u'C:\\Documents and
Settings\\Mark\\My Documents\\sanyo8100.csv'
What does this have to do with the development of BitPim?

