[BitPim-devel] LG VX9200 support
Volfson, Alexander
2009-10-20 00:57:10 UTC
Hey Developers,

I don't know how far along you guys are in supporting the VX9200, but I experimented a little today and got pictures and videos off, so I thought I would share my wisdom:

1) Bitpim auto-detected my phone as CDMA other: got nothing out

2) I set my phone to be the VX9100 (the previous model): again, not even phone info

3) I browse the file system: success!

a. Pictures are in /brew/mod/10888 as *.jpg

b. Videos are in /brew/mod/10890 as *.3g2 or 3GPP2 (according to Wikipedia, which claims it is similar to mpeg4. Quicktime played it perfectly!)

Hope that helps!

: - )

2009-10-20 23:35:48 UTC
Nathan Hjelm
2009-10-21 00:02:22 UTC
Basic (a little buggy) VX-9200 support exists in the latest test build. The next build will have better support for the VX/CX-9200 and VX-11K.

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Alexey Popov
2009-10-21 00:09:59 UTC
How to add support to LG rumour 2? I have made some progress. Do I
need to send modified *.py files to some developer?
Nathan Hjelm
2009-10-21 01:10:50 UTC
Send the files to this mailing list and one of us will be happy to
take a look.

Post by Alexey Popov
How to add support to LG rumour 2? I have made some progress. Do I
need to send modified *.py files to some developer?
Nathan Hjelm
2009-10-27 20:11:39 UTC
I found a bug in phone number support for the VX-9200. The file format of pbnumber.dat differs slightly from the format used on previous LG Phonebook 1.0 phones. I will update the support code later this week to reflect the differences. When are we going to release the next test build? Why wasn't there a Mac binary of the last build?

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Sean Patrick Burke
2009-10-27 20:24:27 UTC
Nathan -
There was a binary for the last test build, but it wasn't uploaded to
the site. Shortly afterward my sole PPC laptop crashed and burned. I
have not had the opportunity to revive the machine or to recreate the
build environment. My availability is going to be pretty bleak for
the next two months as I finish my third semester of law school. If
there are other members looking to take over the responsibility, I'd
be happy to walk them through it.

Sean Patrick Burke
Post by Nathan Hjelm
I found a bug in phone number support for the VX-9200. The file
format of pbnumber.dat differs slightly from the format used on
previous LG Phonebook 1.0 phones. I will update the support code
later this week to reflect the differences. When are we going to
release the next test build? Why wasn't there a Mac binary of the
last build?
Come build with us! The BlackBerry(R) Developer Conference in SF, CA
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ahead of the curve. Join us from November 9 - 12, 2009. Register now!
BitPim-devel mailing list
Basic (a little buggy) VX-9200 support exists in the latest test
build. The next build will have better support for the VX/CX-9200
and VX-11K.
Come build with us! The BlackBerry(R) Developer Conference in SF, CA
is the only developer event you need to attend this year. Jumpstart
developing skills, take BlackBerry mobile applications to market
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ahead of the curve. Join us from November 9 - 12, 2009. Register now!
BitPim-devel mailing list
Hey Developers,
I don?t know how far along you guys are in supporting the VX9200,
but I experimented a little today and got pictures and videos off,
1) Bitpim auto-detected my phone as CDMA other: got nothing out
2) I set my phone to be the VX9100 (the previous model): again, not even phone info
3) I browse the file system: success!
a. Pictures are in /brew/mod/10888 as *.jpg
b. Videos are in /brew/mod/10890 as *.3g2 or 3GPP2 (according
to Wikipedia, which claims it is similar to mpeg4. Quicktime played
it perfectly!)
Hope that helps!
: - )
Come build with us! The BlackBerry(R) Developer Conference in SF, CA
is the only developer event you need to attend this year. Jumpstart your
developing skills, take BlackBerry mobile applications to market and stay
ahead of the curve. Join us from November 9 - 12, 2009. Register now!
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